Instruction: edit this file such that in includes the following:
- a link to an article or web site you find interesting related to software development/engineering.
- a paragraph or two about what you find interesting about that article:
- My friend shared this article with me a while back that introduced me to an issue I'd never thought of before-- I recommend it to anyone passionate about Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), and intersectionality in the tech industry. In the North American context, it's a good reminder not to lump minorities and overlook the privileges or prejudice within their communities-- I found the article thought-provoking and relevant, and of course very informative on Indian social issues.
Michael Loughnane:
I definitely agree with the points Julia makes here - as someone who was raised entirely in Western cultures and traditions, I was only vaguely aware of the caste system as a thing in Indian history, and never even realized it continued to permeate culture today (a sign of my, and of America's ignorance at large maybe?). It's disheartening to see racism continue to persist in a country whose history is so marred by the practice, though through different forms (slavery, Jim Crow laws, etc.). It's a reminder that we need to keep fighting for equality, no matter how much progress we think we've made. Clearly, it isn't enough.