
A cross platform, object-oriented networking library

Primary LanguageC++


This project is an object-oriented wrapper around boost's networking functionality (mostly stemming from the asio namespace). It requires that you have access to boost's asio, endian, and lexical_cast libraries for compilation (they are included via chevron brackets).


There are two primary classes that are used to communicate with other devices - a T2::net::client which initiates a connection to a remote endpoint that is already listening for a new connection, and a T2::net::server which listens on a given port and calls specific connection handlers when a new connection is established on that port.

Most of the time you'll want to create an object of class/server type when interacting with this library however in some limited cases, the use of exposed static functions may be more suitable or even required. Static functions are indicated with ⚡️. Functions that may throw a std::runtime_error are indicated with ⚠️.


  • ⚡️ void T2::net::client::initialization(): Responsible for ensuring that future client objects can run smoothly by using the same io_context for all clients. You almost certainly don't need to call this private function because the T2::net::client::client() constructor does it by default.
  • ⚡️ void T2::net::client::retire(): Responsible for cleaning up the io_context thread. Again, this is private to the T2::net::client class and will be called automatically when the count of active T2::net::client objects is zero.
  • void T2::net::client::client(const boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint&): A T2::net::client constructor that takes a boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint (representing the client's destination) as a parameter.
  • void T2::net::client::client(boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket&): A T2::net::client constructor that takes a connected boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket as a parameter. This constructor migrates the io_context of the supplied socket to the global T2::net::client::asio_context.
  • ⚠️ void T2::net::client::connect(const std::chrono::millisecond& = 0): Connects to the endpoint that the client was constructed for. If this member function is called whilst connected to an endpoint (or if it times out), an exception will be thrown.
  • ⚠️ void T2::net::client::disconnect(): Disconnects from a connected endpoint. If this member function is called whilst already disconnected, an exception will be thrown.
  • ⚠️ void T2::net::client::send_data(const boost::asio::const_buffer&): An internal wrapper for T2::net::client::send_data_base that passes the client's (private) socket.
  • ⚠️ ⚡️ void T2::net::client::send_data_base(boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket&, const boost::asio::const_buffer&): Sends the given amount of data over the provided socket, throwing an exception if it is unable to send all of the data in one boost.asio send() call.
  • ⚠️ size_t T2::net::client::receive_data(boost::asio::mutable_buffer&, const std::chrono::millisecond& = 0): An internal wrapper for T2::net::client::receive_data_base that passes the client's (private) socket and a user-specified timeout.
  • ⚠️ ⚡️ size_t T2::net::client::receive_data_base(boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket&, boost::asio::mutable_buffer&, const std::chrono::millisecond& = 0): Receives (at most, the size of the buffer passed) bytes from the specified socket. This function returns zero in the event of a timeout, the amount of bytes received if no error has occured, and throws an exception in the event of an error.
  • void T2::net::client::~client(): The T2::net::client destructor that disconnects if the socket is active and if appropriate, calling T2::net::client::retire().
  • ⚡️ void T2::net::client::asio_loop(): Unless you're extending this library you'll never need to interact with this function but it is worth knowing that it is the main handler/processor of 'io requests', the thread that this blocking function runs under is the one that recursively runs operations from a vector and passes back return values, disposing (via delete) of objects when appropriate.

The T2::net::client class works to integrate timeouts in boost's API in addition to some bonus sanity checks, this is achieved by calling async_xxx functions and then using the current thread (say, the one that is executing T2::net::client::receive_data_base) to run a timer (T2::utils::blocking_timer) and then cancelling the request if it has timed out. The thread that runs all of the client's I/O requests is created by the T2::net::client::initialization function and iterates over a list of requests (which are dynamically allocated and are submitted to T2::net::client::asio_loop which does all of this processing) and calls their respective async functions, once the async_xxx function has returned, the thread will set a flag that indicates that T2::utils::blocking_timer can return - once this has happened (or the timer returned due to a timeout), the thread that initially allocated the request will use the information from the request object, and then set a disposal flag that indicates that on its next iteration of all I/O requests, the T2::net::client::asio_loop thread can dispose of the object (delete).


  • void T2::net::server::server(const uint16_t): Constructs a server object by plainly setting the const private member 'port' to the provided value.
  • void T2::net::server::start_listening(std::function<void(T2::net::client* const)>, const bool catch_listener): A wrapper to T2::net::server::start_listening.
  • ⚠️ void T2::net::server::start_listening(std::vector<std::function<void(T2::net::client* const)>>, const bool catch_listener): Launches a T2::net::server::listen_loop on a separate thread. An exception will be thrown if the server is already listening.
  • ⚡️ void T2::net::server::listen_loop(std::vector<std::function<void(T2::net::client* const)>>): A private function that operates as the listener for the server. This function is currently launched as a separate thread, it takes a list (std::vector) of the anonymous functions that should be called when a new connection is established.
  • ⚠️ void T2::net::server::stop_listening(bool): Cleanly stops the T2::net::server::listen_loop thread by setting a flag. This function throws an exception if the server isn't already listening.

Note: Do not share one T2::net::client or T2::net::server instance across multiple threads if concurrent access is a possibility. These classes were not designed to surmount race conditions that would occur in those instances.


The _DEBUG and _EXTRA_DEBUG macro can be specified in order to enable debug outputs via std::clog and std::cerr (which can be rerouted to other I/O destinations if desired).

Example usage of this library is available in the example/ directory, compilation instructions for clang++ can be found at the top of those files, it should be fairly trivial to convert them to their MSVC counterparts as there are no OS-specific flags/options used.

The T2-lib headers can be used in your project as long as you link their respective C++ files and add a path to boost in your include search-list. A list of the current C++ files can be found below (starting from base directory source/):

T2/utility/utility.cpp T2/net/client.cpp T2/net/server.cpp


Whilst the overall security and integrity of this library isn't guaranteed, it is guaranteed that the testing tool (tests/tests.cpp) is exploitable if allowed to run under arbitrary command line arguments that weren't chosen by you. If you identify a possible vulnerability in this code please contact me via michaellrowley(@)protonmail.com or open an issue containing the CWE-ID of the vulnerability and your email so that I can contact you for more information.