
Application to manage certificates on Windows.

Primary LanguageC#

certz 🔐

A simple certificate utility built on .net 7 and compiled to a self-contained exe for use with Windows.

  Certz: A Simple Certificate Utility

  certz [command] [options]

  --version       Show version information
  -?, -h, --help  Show help and usage information

  list     Lists all certificates.
  install  Installs a certificate.
  create   Creates a certificate.
  export   Exports a certificate.

Example: The following lists all the installed certificates from the specified locations.

certz.exe list --storename root --storelocation localmachine

Example: The following creates a new certificate.

certz.exe create --f devcert.pfx --p Password12345 --dns *.devx.local

Example: The following creates PFX and CER certificate files with an expiration of years. The password defaults to changeit.

certz.exe create --f devcert.pfx --c devcert.cer --k devcert.key --days 1825

Example: The following installs a certificate with the provided password.

certz.exe install --f C:\certs\devcert.pfx --p Password12345 --sn root --sl localmachine

Example: The following removes a certificate matching the provided thumbprint.

certz.exe remove --thumb 94163681942B9B440A22535B3E6BFEA64DE9A3E7 --sn root

Example: The following downloads a certificate from the provided url.

certz.exe export --f devcert-bak.pfx --c devcert-bak.pem --url https://www.github.com