- 3
Integration google_geocode not found
#29 opened by Martenvanurk - 0
Errors at startup
#41 opened by mfabiani53 - 0
howto connect this to a person
#40 opened by Cowsick - 1
- 1
remove old entities?
#39 opened by pageb018 - 3
api instructions dosnt work?
#37 opened by Cowsick - 1
- 3
Add Geocoding API to setup instructions
#30 opened by shaun-adam - 0
[REQUEST] Add localization option
#34 opened by szafran81 - 2
No 'version' key in the manifest
#32 opened by Bergasha - 0
'Awaiting update' when inside a zone
#16 opened by disrupted - 0
Change the repo to conform to HACS
#24 opened by knobunc - 0
Hebrew lang
#23 opened by moshe19803 - 3
- 1
Person component integration
#20 opened by bachulator - 1
Platform not found: sensor.google_geocode
#19 opened by NeuzNL - 16
Prepare component for pull to hass
#6 opened by michaelmcarthur - 2
Add Entity Picture Option
#15 opened by michaelmcarthur - 6
Unable to use !tag for geocode and email !
#14 opened by vincegre - 6
No box in frontend with adress !!
#13 opened by vincegre - 1
Feature request gravatar
#11 opened by michaelmcarthur - 0
User defined format of address component
#12 opened by michaelmcarthur - 2
Api limit reached
#10 opened by michaelmcarthur - 1
Api called if in zone.
#9 opened by michaelmcarthur - 1
Check if options entered are allowed
#3 opened by michaelmcarthur - 1
Feature Request turn off zone
#5 opened by michaelmcarthur - 1
Attributes not showing when zone.
#4 opened by michaelmcarthur - 1
Formatted Address Fail
#2 opened by michaelmcarthur - 1
Feature Request Street Number
#7 opened by michaelmcarthur - 1
City displaying postal town
#8 opened by michaelmcarthur