
Sync papers from Zotero to a reMarkable tablet

Primary LanguagePHP

Zotero reMarkable sync

This uses the reverse engineered ReMarkable API library to automatically transfer files from a Zotero collection to a reMarkable folder. When files have been uploaded, they are then removed from the Zotero collection. Run this script periodically to continually transfer uploaded files.

Currently, the environment variables in the table below must be defined. You can use a .env file or define them any other way you choose.

Name Description
ZOTERO_USER Zotero user ID
ZOTERO_COLLECTION Collection key to use in Zotero
WEBDAV_URL URL of the WebDAV server hosting your Zotero files
WEBDAV_AUTH username:password for WebDAV authentication
REMARKABLE_FOLDER reMarkable destination folder (default /Zotero)

Zotero user ID and API key can be found on the settings page. The Zotero collection key can be found as the last component in the URL path when browsing on the Web interface. For example in the URL below, the collection key is ABCDEFG.


The reMarkable API token is generated by ReMarkable API. You will need a one-time code generated from reMarkable. With the code, run remarkable.php register YOUR_CODE_HERE. This will generate a file auth.token which contains the key.