
Authorization Server with Spring Security

Primary LanguageJava

Authorization Server with Spring Security

The content of this repository is explained in my Youtube channel.


Run on Localhost

To be able to run the project on localhost, make sure you've followed the next steps.

Backend alias

The following lines must be added in /etc/hosts to avoid having the browser create the cookies for the same URL overriding values from the different backends.       backend-auth       backend-gateway-client       backend-resources

Local Database

The backend-auth needs a database where to store the credentials. The following docker command will create it.

docker run -d -e POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD=trust -e POSTGRES_USER=auth_usr -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=pwd -e POSTGRES_DB=authdb -p 5434:5432 postgres:13

Useful links

Follow this link to see how to setup the claims in keycloak

Ty to inport this realm into keycloak

