
This tool is a user-friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI) tool that simplifies and streamlines the process of digitally signing files using Microsoft's signtool.exe. This tool is designed to provide a straightforward interface, enabling users to apply digital signatures to software executables, drivers, DLLs, and other file types effortlessly.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


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Table of Contents


Outline the file contents of the repository. It helps users navigate the codebase, build configuration and any related assets.

File/folder Description
\SignToolGUI Source code.
.gitignore Define what to ignore at commit time.
CHANGELOG.md List of changes to the sample.
CONTRIBUTING.md Guidelines for contributing to the TEMPLATE.
README.md This README file.
SECURITY.md Security file.
LICENSE The license for SignToolGUI.


This tool is a user-friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI) tool that simplifies and streamlines the process of digitally signing files using Microsoft's signtool.exe. This tool is designed to provide a straightforward interface, enabling users to apply digital signatures to software executables, drivers, DLLs, and other file types effortlessly.

Main tool GUI

Main GUI

About the tool GUI

Main GUI


  • Intuitive user interface: SignToolGUI offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface, eliminating the need for complex command-line inputs associated with signtool.exe. Users can easily navigate through the signing process.
    • Supports .pfx certificates, Windows Certificate Store certificates (with private keys) and Microsoft Trusted Signing (more can be added over time...)
  • File selection and management: Users can select single or multiple files for signing through a simple file explorer interface. Drag-and-drop functionality allows for convenient file selection.
  • Certificate Management: SignToolGUI facilitates easy management of digital certificates required for signing. Users can import (.pfx) or select certificates directly within the tool.
  • Logging and error handling: SignToolGUI provides detailed logging of the signing process, making it easy to track and troubleshoot any issues that may arise during signing.
  • Batch signing support: Users can efficiently sign multiple files in a batch, reducing the time and effort required for signing large projects or collections of files.
  • Config settings: Users can save and load configuration settings for signing, streamlining the process for future signing tasks.

To do list

  • Soon... Verification and Validation: After signing, SignToolGUI allows users to verify and validate the digital signatures to ensure the integrity and authenticity of the signed files.


Download the latest version

Version History

Getting Started


How to build

  • Get Visual Studio 2022 (Community Edition is fine)
  • Install ".NET desktop development" workload
  • Build the solution in Visual Studio


You can either clone this repository and build the project yourself or via provided installer.


Final thoughts

SignTool GUI empowers users with a convenient and efficient means to apply digital signatures using Microsoft's signtool.exe, enhancing file security and trustworthiness within software development workflows.


If you want to contribute to this project, please open an issue or submit a pull request. I welcome contributions :)

See CONTRIBUTING for more information.

First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! Contributions are what makes the open-source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make will benefit everybody else and are greatly appreciated. Feel free to send pull requests or fill out issues when you encounter them. I'm also completely open to adding direct maintainers/contributors and working together! :)

Please try to create bug reports that are:

  • Reproducible. Include steps to reproduce the problem.
  • Specific. Include as much detail as possible: which version, what environment, etc.
  • Unique. Do not duplicate existing opened issues.
  • Scoped to a Single Bug. One bug per report.


Reach out to the maintainer at one of the following places:

To do list

  • Cleanup for classes and methods


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

See LICENSE for more information.


Advanced Installer

The installer is created from a Free Advanced Installer License for Open-Source from https://www.advancedinstaller.com/ - check it out!

Advanced Instzaller

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