
The main repository for the University of Montana Creative Coding course in the School of Media Arts

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

MART 191 - Creative Coding | Spring 2017

Professor Michael Musick

  • E-Mail: michael.musick@umontana.edu.
  • Office: McGill Hall, 224.
  • Office Hours:
    • Wed, 12:30PM - 2:00PM (please e-mail to confirm)
    • Thu, 12:30PM - 2:00PM (please e-mail to confirm)


The goal for this course is to begin a journey in which the creative and technical possibilities of the computer becomes an tool in your palate. The goal for this tool, or rather set of tools, is for them to become an extension of you, something you think through, express yourself through, and can contribute to the world through. Ultimately, this course is designed to offer you a deeper understanding of the essential possibilities of computation. The course focuses on the fundamentals of programming the computer (variables, conditionals, iteration, functions, and objects) while also touching on a few advanced topics, and relating this all back to the creative and expressive possibilities of media art. The JavaScript-based 'p5.js' programming framework will be utilized within this class. The course will conclude, with your design, development, and implementation of a final project of your choosing.

Final Presentations

Final Presentations will occur during our University scheduled final time.

Monday, May 8th from 10:10AM - 12:10PM.

For examples of what was done during Fall 2016, visit;

Weekly Breakdown

Check here for what we have done, or are going to be doing.

1.1 — Introduction

  • Overview of the syllabus.
  • What is computational media?
    • What is programming?
    • How can I apply programming to _____________?
    • As a ____________, why would I want or need to write software?
    • Example projects.
  • Programming language discussion
    • General discussion of programming languages
    • History of creative coding frameworks
      • Processing and p5.js (and what's processing.js?): What is p5.js video
      • openframeworks, cinder
      • max/msp dataflow programming
      • How does arduino fit in?
  • p5.js in the context of the browser
    • Landscape of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
    • Other JS frameworks
    • Server-side vs. client-side
    • What is the difference between p5 and JavaScript?
  • macOS & Windows
    • Terminal vs PowerShell
    • Differences in Git
    • Why it does not matter.
  • Your computer as YOUR development environment.
    • Command Line
    • Directory Structure
    • Not fearing the command line
  • **TODO: ** Look at and complete HW-1 in the homework wiki.

1.2 — Necessary Technologies

  • Text Documents
  • Text Editors
  • Git Version Control
  • TODO:
    • if you haven't already done so, please complete the homework from the first class. HW-1 in the homework wiki.
    • Please watch the GitHub links from this weeks course document.

2.1 - Necessary Technologies (con't)

  • More with Git and GitHub
    • Git via terminal
    • Git via a text editor
    • Git via Sourcetree

2.2 - Necessary Technologies (con't)

  • Finish up Git / GitHub.com
  • markdown (.md)
  • Setting up your own GitHub Repo to submit homework
  • TODO

3.1 & 3.2 -- "Hello World" & Drawing

4 -- The Basics; function() and variables. Animation.

5 -- Random, Objects, and Reviewing Math

6 -- Conditional Statements

7.1 -- Functions: the basics

  • Calling vs. defining
  • Modularity: video
  • Arguments and parameters
  • Re-usability: video
  • Return types: video
  • Recursion
  • Functions inside objects: video

7.2 -- Functions: the hard stuff

  • Re-usability: video
  • Return types: video
  • Recursion
  • Functions inside objects: video

8 -- More With Functions, Objects, and Arrays

  • Review object literals:
    • properties - name/value pairs
    • functions inside objects
    • this keyword
  • What is an array? video tutorial 6.1
    • declaring, intializing
    • numeric indices
    • arrays and for loops: video tutorial 6.2
    • length property

9 -- Objects and Lots o' Objects

10 More with Objects and Object Interactions

11 -- Images, A Server, and WEBGL

12 -- Sound and Video in p5.js


  • Exam will be on Wednesday, April 26th

14 -- Final Project Work, and the Future


  • Presentation of final projects on Monday, May 8th.