
A powerful and highspeed Markdown component for Vue.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


npm npm npm

This package only supports vue2.X.X.

A powerful and highspeed Markdown component for Vue.

This is an extension to miaolz123's vue-markdown. The last update to vue-markdow code was in 2017, and is not actively maintained (dependencies contain security vulnerabilities). This package intends to be a safe, up-to-date alternative to vue-markdown.

Quick start: <vue-markdown-plus>i am a ~~tast~~ **test**.</vue-markdown-plus>

Supported Markdown Syntax:

  • automatic table of contents
  • table & class customize
  • *SyntaxHighlighter
  • definition list
  • strikethrough
  • GFM task list
  • abbreviation
  • custom attributes (class, id, etc.)
  • superscript
  • subscript
  • footnote
  • insert
  • *katex
  • emoji
  • mark

*SyntaxHighlighter work with Prism

*katex needs katex css.




Live Demo



$ npm install --save vue-markdown-plus


$ yarn add vue-markdown-plus --save

Browser globals (NOT RECOMMENDED)

This is not recommended for user inputs, as it will cause XSS vulnerabilities. Please use npm or yarn if possible.

The dist folder contains vue-markdown.js with the component exported in the window.VueMarkdownPlus object.

  <vue-markdown-plus>i am a ~~tast~~ **test**.</vue-markdown-plus>
<script src="path/to/vue.js"></script>
<script src="path/to/vue-markdown-plus.js"></script>
  var vm = new Vue({
    el: "body",


var VueMarkdownPlus = require("vue-markdown-plus");

new Vue({
  components: {
    "vue-markdown-plus": VueMarkdownPlus,

ES6 (Vue-CLI users)

After installing via Yarn or NPM, use the following snippet in the script portion of the Vue component which you wish to render the Markdown.

import VueMarkdownPlus from "vue-markdown-plus";

new Vue({
  components: {


<vue-markdown-plus>this is the default slot</vue-markdown-plus>

After setting up the middleware in your vue component above, using the embedded markdown is as easy as writing it between the vue-markdown-plus tags.

VueMarkdown has a default slot which is used to write the markdown source.

TIP: The default slot only renders once at the beginning, and it will overwrite the prop of source!


Prop Type Default Describe
watches Array ["source", "show", "toc"] HTML refresh automatically when the prop in this array changed
source String null the markdown source code
show Boolean true enable render to the default slot automatically
html Boolean true enable HTML syntax in source use with caution, do not enable on user inputs to prevent XSS attacks
xhtml-out Boolean true <br></br> => <br />
breaks Boolean true \n => <br>
linkify Boolean true autoconvert URL-like text to link
emoji Boolean true :) => ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
typographer Boolean true enable some language-neutral replacement and quotes beautification
lang-prefix String language- CSS language prefix for fenced blocks
quotes String โ€œโ€โ€˜โ€™ use โ€œโ€โ€˜โ€™ for Chinese, โ€žโ€œโ€šโ€˜ for German, ยซยปโ€žโ€œ for Russian
table-class String table customize html class of the <table>
task-lists Boolean true enable GFM task list
toc Boolean false enable automatic table of contents
toc-id String undefined the HTML id to render TOC
toc-class String table customize html class of the <ul> wrapping the TOC
toc-first-level Number 2 use 2 if you want to skip <h1> from the TOC
toc-last-level Number 'toc-first-level' + 1 use 5 if you want to skip <h6> from the TOC
toc-anchor-link Boolean true enable the automatic anchor link in the headings
toc-anchor-class String toc-anchor customize the anchor class name
toc-anchor-link-symbol String # customize the anchor link symbol
toc-anchor-link-space Boolean true enable inserting a space between the anchor link and heading
toc-anchor-link-class String toc-anchor-link customize the anchor link symbol class name
anchorAttributes Object {} anchor tag attributes such as target: '_blank' or rel: 'nofollow'
prerender Function (String) String null filter function before markdown parse
postrender Function (String) String null filter function after markdown parse


Name Param[Type] Describe
rendered outHtml[String] dispatch when render finish
toc-rendered tocHtml[String] dispatch when TOC render finish, never dispatch if the toc[prop] is false




Copyright (c) 2020 6etacat by MIT