
other aggregations

  1. Domothy's pbs links:

big picture

  1. Neutralizing the Dark Forest
  2. Notes on PBS
  3. Updates on PBS (devcon 2022)
  4. A study of the transaction supply chain from CryptoKitties to MEV-Boost to PBS (devconnect 2022)
  5. Block building after the Merge (devcon 2022)
  6. MEV-Boost, How Does it Work & What’s Missing? (sbc 2022)
  7. MEV-boost: Merge ready Flashbots Architecture
  8. MEV on ETH2: MEV-boost, PBS, Danksharding... How do the pieces fit together? (devconnect 2022)
  9. Proposer/block builder separation-friendly fee market designs
  10. How much can we constrain builders without bringing back heavy burdens to proposers?
  11. Annotated Ethereum Roadmap
  12. MEV on ETH2: MEV-boost, PBS, Danksharding... How do the pieces fit together? (devconnect 2022)

relevant codebases & infrastructure links

  1. flashbots/mev-boost-relay
  2. flashbots/mev-boost
  3. flashbots/prysm
  4. flashbots/builder
  5. flashbots/block-validation-geth
  6. relayooor/geth
  7. flashbots/prio-load-balancer
  8. flashbots/relays-specs
  9. ethereum/builder-specs
    • Defines the API for validators to outsource block building (naming is a bit confusing here, this is the API the proposer uses to talk to the relay, not the block builder).
  10. ralexstokes/mev-rs
  11. ralexstokes/relay-monitor
  12. flashbots/go-boost-utils
  13. sigp/lighthouse

mev-boost (the software) r & d

  1. Running mev-boost at scale
  2. Toward an open research and development process for MEV-Boost
  3. Censorship Resistance: crlists in mev-boost
  4. mev-boost with unconditional payments
  5. how does pos ethereum prevent bribery for late block proposal?
    • flashbots/mev-boost#111
    • Alex O. - April 28, 2022
    • Very early discussion of timing games implied by outsourcing block construction.
  6. The Cost of Resiliance
  7. MEV-Boost: Merge ready Flashbots Architecture
  8. MEV-Boost Community Call #0 - 23 Feb 2023
  9. Development next steps for PBS, roundtable at DevCon
  10. mev-boost circuit breaker proposal

specific proposals

  1. Two-slot proposer/builder separation
  2. Single-slot PBS using attesters as distributed availability oracle
  3. Block vs. Slot Auctions PBS
  4. Burning MEV through block proposer auctions
  5. Committee-driven MEV smoothing
  6. Unbundling PBS: Towards protocol-enforced proposer commitments (PEPC)

censorship resistance

  1. State of research: increasing censorship resistance of transactions under proposer/builder separation (PBS)
  2. PBS censorship-resistance alternatives
  3. Forward inclusion list
  4. How much can we constrain builders without bringing back heavy burdens to proposers?
  5. Censorship Résistance & PBS (sbc 2022)
  6. PANEL Censorship Resistance: Bridging the Gap (sbc 2022)
  7. Censorship... wat do?
  8. The litList (crList) Builder
  9. MEV-boost+/++: Liveness-first relay design
  10. Fun and games with inclusion lists
  11. Cumulative, Non-Expiring Inclusion Lists
  12. Censorship Resistance in On-Chain Auctions

distributed builders

  1. Block-builder Innovation Post-Merge (sbc 2022)
  2. Decentralizing the Builder Role (sbc 2022)
  3. distributed block building (and exploring the builder design space, broadly)

data dashboards

  1. (only shows blocks from OFAC compliant relays vs those that are not OFAC compliant - does not actually verify)