📆 Event Planner App built in JavaScript 📆

Fully deployed app :clipboard: User Stories

I want to be able to see a list of events with their date and text.
I want to be able to create an event by entering a date and time in a datetime input  
and text in a text input field, click a submit button and see the event in the list.
I want to only see upcoming events.
I want to see the events in chronological order.
I want to be able to enter my city in a text input field, then click on a button  
and see the weather forecast for today in my city.
I want to store the events and location locally on the browser so they don't disappear  
every time I reload the page.
In order for others to use the app, it should be deployed.

📝 Getting started

  1. Clone this repo git@github.com:michaelnguyen974/new_event_plannerJS.git
  2. Change directory cd Event-Planner
  3. Open index.html to run it locally
  4. Visit the app as it has been deployed! MikeEventPlanner.surge.sh

🚧 Technologies I used

  • JavaScript - programming language;
  • Custom made Testing Framework

📜 License