
CS 537 Programming Assignment 1 (Fall 2020). Clone of the linux `ps` command.

Primary LanguageC

CS 537 Programming Assignment 1 (Fall 2020)
Michael Noguera (noguera@cs.wisc.edu) and Julien de Castelnau (de-castelnau@cs.wisc.edu)
due 9/23/2020 at 5pm


To build 537ps , simply run "make" at the root of this directory. If you specify the DEBUG 
environment variable as "true" or use "make DEBUG=true", debug symbols will be included in the 
executable as well.

Use "make clean" to get rid of object files and executables.

== USAGE ==

When run with no flags (i.e "./537ps"), 537ps outputs the list of all processes owned by the
calling user. The following flags are recognized by 537ps:
[-p <pid>] [-s] [-U] [-S] [-v] [-c] [-m <addr> <len>]
Multiple "-p <pid>" instances can be specified to list multiple processes. 
Note that for "-m", exactly one PID must be specified. If none or multiple PIDs are specified, 
an error will be thrown.


The functionality of our 537ps is divided into three logical modules, which serve the following 

1. main: Parses command-line options and handles printing of output for the corresponding flags.
2. proc: Provides an interface over the /proc filesystem and exposes functions for getting
         process information.
3. linkedlist: Defines a linkedlist data structure and the related functions that operate on it,
         to store PIDs.