
Text based graphing service

Primary LanguageZigMIT LicenseMIT

daya: Rapid text-based graphing tool

Example usage of compiler:

// Generate a png
daya myfile.daya output.png

// Generate an svg
daya myfile.daya output.svg

// Generate only the intermediary dot
daya myfile.daya output.dot

daya is a tool and library to convert from the .daya format to regular .dot, .png or .svg.

The daya-format is intended to allow for rapid diagramming from text sources. Mostly relationship-like diagrams such as UML's activity- and component-diagrams etc. There are currently no plan to add features for sequence-diagrams and such.

It can be thought of as "a subset of dot with custom types" (*). "Type" here are, due to the visual nature of it all, more comparable to CSS classes than types from strictly typed programming languages: they provide templates for how different parts shall appear.

The subset of features, attributes and such is highly opiniated, and very much subject to change as we move toward v1.0.

(*): This is also to be read as; There are many, many diagram-situations which are not intended to be solved by daya.

Getting started:

Prerequisite: have graphviz (https://graphviz.org/download/) installed and dot available in path on your system.

Create a .daya file - e.g "gettingstarted.daya":

// Create one or more node types
node User;
node System;

// Create one or more edge types
edge controls;

// Create instances based on node types
emperor: User;
deathstar: System;

// Create relationships based on instances and edge types
emperor controls deathstar;

then run: daya gettingstarted.daya gettingstarted.png to create a diagram and save it as output.png for your viewing pleasures:

Result of daya to png compilation

Daya advanced format example:

file: common_types.daya:

// Define common node-types
node Interface {

node Module {

// Define edge-/relationship-types
edge implements {

edge depends_on; // rely on defaults

edge relates_to {

file: mygraph.daya

// imports the file as described above. Limitation: path can't contain newline

// Set title of diagram
label="My example diagram";

// Declare the module-instances, optionally grouped
IIterator: Interface {
    note="You can add notes to instances";

group Core {
    note="You can add notes to groups";

    // Groups are by default label-less (for now)

    MySomething: Module;
    MyElse: Module;

SomeDependency: Module {
    // An instantiation can override base-node fields

// Describe relationships between modules
MySomething implements IIterator;
MySomething depends_on SomeDependency;
MySomething relates_to MyElse {
    // A relationship can override base-edge fields


Result of daya to png compilation

Daya grammar

Types of statements:

  • Declare a node-type:

      // Using only default properties
      node NodeType;
      // or override particular properties
      node OtherNodeType {
          label="Custom label";
  • Declare an edge-type

      // Using only default properties - a simple, one-directional arrow when used in a relationship
      edge owns;
      // or override particular properties - to render e.g a two-way arrow
      edge twowaydataflow {
  • Create a specific instance of a node

      // Will inherit the properties of the given node type
      myinstance: NodeType;
      // And optionally override particular ones for this given instance
      otherinstance: OtherNodeType {
  • Specify a relationship between two node-instances using an edge

      // Using the default style of the particular edge
      myinstance owns otherinstance;
      // Or override particular properties for the edge used in this given relationship
      otherinstance twowaydataflow myinstance {
          label="Overridden label for edge";

For the different types there are a set of allowed parameters that can be specificed:

  • For node or instance:
    • label: string - supports in-file newlines or \n
    • bgcolor: string/#rrggbb, forwarded directly to dot.
    • fgcolor: see bgcolor.
    • shape: string, forwarded directly to dot: https://graphviz.org/doc/info/shapes.html
  • for edge or relationship:
    • label: string
    • source_symbol: none|arrow_filled|arrow_closed|arrow_open. default: none
    • target_symbol: see source_symbol. default: arrow_open
    • edge_style: solid|dotted|dashed|bold. default: solid
  • An instance automatically inherits the parameters of their node-type. The labels are concatinated with a newline, the remaining fields are overridden.
  • If no label is specified, the name is used
  • The parameters of an edge can be overridden pr relationship-entry


See releases in repo, or Build-section below.

To install a release, download the platform-appropriate archive, decompress it, and put the resident daya-binary somewhere in your path.


Development is done using quite recent zig 0.10.x builds.

Build and run (from /compiler):

$ zig build run -- --help

or (e.g.) for installation on Unix-like systems (from /compiler):

$ zig build -Drelease-safe --prefix /usr/local

Run tests for libdaya (from /libdaya):

$ zig build test

Components / inner workings

The system is split into the following components:

  • Compiler library (/libdaya) - the core compiler, can be linked into e.g compiler exe, web service, and possibly in the end as WASM to make the web frontend standalone.
  • Compiler executable (/compiler)
  • Web service (not started)
  • Web frontend (not started)


The main logic of the daya-compiler is organized as a library located under /libdaya. Then there's a simple executable-wrapper located under /compiler.


The core component of it all. Provides functionaly to parse .daya, validate the results, output valid .dot + eventually directly execute system-installed dot to generate a graphical representation of the diagram.

Service / backend

Two parts:

  1. An endpoint which takes daya and returns dot, PNG or SVG.
  2. Provider of the static frontend


Minimal, single-page, input-form to provide daya data and desired output-format (dot, png, svg).

Web component for easy inclusion into sites


Design goals

  • Overall:
    • Value rapidness and sensical defaults over exact control
  • Internals:
    • Reproducible builds - as far as possible, ie.: up until dot
    • If the compiler hasn't complained, then dot shall succeed. ie.: if the compiler hasn't detected an error, then the intermediary dot-data shall be valid.


  • Integrate dot / libdot statically linked
    • including libs for png and svg?
  • Ensure all include-paths are relative to the containing file.
  • Currently a lot of the defaults is handled within dot.zig - this is error-prone if we were to change graphing-backend
  • Support lifting notes to top level of generated doc? E.g. now, if added to an instance wihtin a group, the note also gets rendered within the same group
  • Support multiple files as input (glob?) + a parameter to specify output-format, which will reuse the respective input-names with added extension for output
  • Design and implement scoping strategy
  • Support monitor/auto-build?
  • .daya
    • TBD: Implement more advanced (composed) shapes? E.g. an UML-like class with sections?
    • Include-functionality:
      • Need to explore specific use cases to determine full functionality set here. Leaves as-is for now (in-place + common global scope).
      • Reconsider scoping to avoid unwanted collisions between subdiagrams + but still accommodate convenient definition-reuse.
    • Explicitly define behaviour wrt duplicate definitions; shall the latter be invalid behaviour, or shall they be fused? Either simply adding children, or explicitly checking for type and override values.
    • Simplify syntax: allow } as EOS. Don't require quotes around #-colors. Consider removing ; alltogether. Nl can serve the same purpose.
  • Finish v1 daya-syntax: what is scope?
    • Ensure compilator supports entire daya-syntax
  • Lower importance:
    • Implement web service
    • Implement frontend
  • Nice-to-haves:
    • Accept a list of "instantiations" to only render whatever relates to them. Accept "degrees of separation" as well?
    • Support "playback"-functionality? Render node-by-node as they are instantiated, ordered by source?
    • Mode to allow anonymous types? E.g. don't require predefined nodes/edges, more simular to how dot behaves.
    • Allow edges to specify valid source/target-node types?


  • graphviz - daya currently uses graphviz/dot as the low level graph tool