WordPress, the automated way – DEMO



The project requires the following tools to be built and run:

  • Docker
  • Docker Compose

Define environment variables

Create a .env file at the root of the project with the following configuration:

  • MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: Password for the root user in MySQL (no app should connect with it) — recommendation: complex password
  • MYSQL_HOST: Host of the MySQL database. If using the Docker MySQL instance, set database (it is the Docker container name for the database, see docker-compose.yml file). If it is hosted on an external server, set the IP or host.
  • MYSQL_DATABASE: Name of the MySQL database used for WordPress — recommendation: wordpress
  • MYSQL_USER: MySQL username that WordPress will use to connect to the database — recommendation: wordpress
  • MYSQL_USER_PASSWORD: Password for WordPress MySQL user — recommendation: complex password
  • WORDPRESS_DOMAIN_NAME: Domain name of the Wordpress public address (the one seen from a browser).
  • WORDPRESS_WEBSITE_URL: Domain name of the Wordpress public address with http:// or https:// at the beginning.
  • WORDPRESS_ADMIN_EMAIL: Email address of the admin user for WordPress admin interface.
  • WORDPRESS_ADMIN_USERNAME: Username of the admin user for WordPress admin interface (example: admin)
  • WORDPRESS_ADMIN_PASSWORD: Password of the admin user (choose wisely!).
  • WEBSERVER_PORT: Port that will be exposed for Nginx (Example if 8000 is chosen, the website will be locally available at http://localhost:8000).

Run project

Run installation first:

make install

Start containers:

make start

Visit http://localhost:8000

Run phpMyAdmin

I have added phpMyAdmin for demonstration purpose of Docker Compose.

Access it on http://localhost:8082

What does it do?

Running the make install command will:

  • Create Docker containers for WordPress, MySQL and Nginx.
  • Initiate the WordPress database.
  • Configure WordPress:
    • Database parameters.
    • Default WordPress user.
    • Set language.
    • Set default URL structure.
  • Activate the custom my-simple-theme theme.
  • Install plugins (Contact Form 7 and WP MailChimp as examples).
  • Create an "About us" page (which has a specific template in the custom theme).

☑️ The project should be then be up and running.

Docker configuration

The following containers are created and configured in docker-compose.yml:

  • webserver: A Nginx Docker image.
  • wordpress: A WordPress Docker image with PHP 7.3.
  • database: A MySQL Docker image.
  • toolbox: A toolbox containing WP-CLI and running a Makefile.

The restart: always instruction allows containers to get restarted if they stop for any reason or when the server is restarted.