
🥔 A small practical assignment for Potato built on Vue

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Potato Flickr

A small practical assignment for Potato built on Vue by Michael Pumo




This small app will fetch a feed of posts from a Flickr API endpoint, passing with it 'tags' by which to search for. The default tag when first opening the app is 'potato'.

I have add the ability to pass your own tags so the feed can be updated based on these. Due to the nature of free-typing the tags, input will be cleaned and formatted in a way that Flickr will understand.

To get a better understanding of what role Vue plays, it might help to download the Vue.js dev tools extension for Chrome.

NPM Dependencies for the browser


A small library used for formatting dates and times.


Used for fetching JSONP data in the browser.


The main JavaScript framework in use.


Used for routing the application.


State management tool for Vue where we store all information.


A plugin built on top of Vuex to persist the store on hard refresh or tab close etc.

Build Setup

# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev

# build for production with minification
npm run build