
Stack buffer overflow in image_load_bmp()

00xc opened this issue · 3 comments

00xc commented

In image_load_bmp(), the colors_used variable is read from the BMP file header and directly used to read into a fixed-size buffer.

static int			/* O - 0 = success, -1 = fail */
image_load_bmp(image_t *img,	/* I - Image to load into */
               FILE    *fp,	/* I - File to read from */
	       int     gray,	/* I - Grayscale image? */
               int     load_data)/* I - 1 = load image data, 0 = just info */
  uchar		colormap[256][4];
  colors_used      = read_dword(fp);
  fread(colormap, colors_used, 4, fp);

A maliciously crafted BMP file could set the colors_used variable to a number big enough to overflow the stack and thus the return address. I am attaching a proof of concept below. It can be tested with: ./htmldoc --webpage -f out.pdf ./poc.html


[master 27d0898] Fix potential BMP stack overflow (Issue #453)

00xc commented

I have requested a CVE for this issue.

00xc commented

This issue has been assigned CVE-2021-43579.