
Dockerized Python serial modem attendant to pick up and dial a key, with support for Telegram Bot integration.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

DTMF Butler

Dockerized Python serial modem attendant to pick up and dial a key.

Pylint CodeQL Snyk Container

GitHub license


  1. Integrate the included docker-compose.yml

  2. Map your serial modem device to /dev/ttyACM0

  3. Set any environment: variables you need, or omit them to accept the defaults

Environment Variable Default Purpose
NOTIFY_ONLY None If present and not "" will only notify; will not dial in response to RING.
DIAL 6 The button to press after picking up, 0-9, * or #
TIMEOUT 3 Timeout (seconds) for modem to react to commands, serial read-write.
TELEGRAM_TOKEN None Your Telegram bot API token. Leave blank to disable.
TELEGRAM_USERS None Comma-separated list of Telegram IDs to message.

Complete Build

# Get the latest python base image
docker pull python:3-alpine

# Build a local image
docker build -t dtmf-butler .

# Run it
docker run -it --rm --user=root --device=/dev/ttyACM0 --name=dtmf-butler dtmf-butler

References, Thanks and Other Cool Projects

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