
Collection of RegEx patterns for Path of Exile.

Regex Patterns for PoE Stash Tab Searches

GGG has added regex search to stash tabs in patch 3.14.

This is a collection of patterns I find useful.

Tip: Use Awakened PoE Trade's feature to group and save your patterns. It also pastes one of the saved patterns with a click of a button. You can also use this to search a vendor's inventory.


How does it work?

With regex search you can search each line of the item text (CTRL+C) case-insensitvely. This is equivalent to the m and i modifiers.

Hint: Play around with regexes on https://regex101.com.


Let's say you have two items (only relevant information below):

Item 1

Quality: +9%
Level: 70
Str: 62
Dex: 62
+15 to Strength

Item 2

Quality: +12%
Level: 70
Dex: 62
+23 to Strength

Basic search

If you want to search for the item with the strength requirement you can use:




However, this won't work:


since it also matches the mod.

At least 10% Quality

To do this, you have to define that you want the number after the text Quality: + to be 2 digits long and the first digit should be 1 or higher.

"quality: \+([1-9][0-9])"



  • 6-links
    "sockets: ([rgbw]-?){6}"
  • 6 number of sockets
    "sockets: ([rgbw].?){6}"
  • +10% and higher Quality
    "quality: \+([1-9][0-9])"
  • 70+ life
  • 75+ life
  • 80+ item level
    "item level: ([1-9]\d{2,}|[8-9]\d)"

Item classes

Requirements of class x

  • All of class x

    "class: x"
  • Strength

    "class: x" "^str" "!(^dex)"
  • Dexterity

    "class: x" "^dex" "!(^(str|int))"
  • Intelligence

    "class: x" "^int" "!(^(str|dex))"
  • Strength / Dexterity

    "class: x" str: dex:
  • Strength / Intelligence

    "class: x" dex: str:
  • Dexterity / Intelligence

    "class: x" dex: int:


  • Chaos Recipe
    "rare"|"item level: ([6][0-9]|[7][0-4])"


I didn't come up with all of them. Some sources:

https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/n3pxxc/when_did_we_get_regex_search_in_tabs/ https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/nb8j00/rolling_maps_with_regex/ https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/og135v/i_learned_about_the_poe_stash_and_vendor_regex/