
A class library to easily create, query and delete containers with Azure Container Instances.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


A class library to easily create, query and delete containers with Azure Container Instances.

This library allows to:

  • Create container instances with most initialization options
  • Query container instances - Get IP, container status, etc.
  • Delete container instances
  • Supports authentication with Managed Service Identity (MSI)
  • Supports authentication with Azure Active Directory application registration.

Read this article to better understand Azure Container Instances and this library support.

Example of use:

using ACI = AciResourceAccess;
var azureSubscriptionConfiugration = ACI.ConfigurationFactory.CreateConfigWithActiveDirectoryAppAuth(
    azureSubscriptionId: "a187256a-2ebe-4a23-8bfc-8e194d8eagh7",
    resourceGroup: "MyResourceGroup",
    clientId: "n21d9e2f-1f1c-45cf-q7r7-79c363e5c740",
    clientSecret: "zaTD123lof6JUiiMTUb+bGGldmA8NpIvTEht1w7rylA=",
    tenantId: "32dd593d-c0bb-48e8-8cd1-8521ab9e3b5e",
    imageRegistryServer: "mycontainerregistry.azurecr.io",
    imageRegistryUsername: "RegistryUserName",
    imageRegistryPassword: "/bf54vMBFEjOXQgTh/PzTwWj9fhcydn3"

var containerCreationConfiguration = new ACI.ContainerCreationConfiguration()
    //For some reason, container name can't be in Pascal case. Kebab case works.
    ContainerName = "my-container",
    CpuCore = 2,
    MemoryInGB = 4,
    ImageName = "mycontainerregistry.azurecr.io/myimage",
    Port = 12345,
    Location = "east us",
    OS = ACI.ContainerCreationConfiguration.OsType.Windows

    var resourceAccess = new ACI.AciResourceAccess(azureSubscriptionConfiugration);
    var container = resourceAccess.CreateContainer(containerCreationConfiguration).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
    Console.WriteLine("Container created successfully on ip "
                      + container.properties.ipAddress.ip);

    //Get container object
    container = await resourceAccess.GetContainer("my-container");
    Console.WriteLine("Container status now is: " + container.properties.containers.First()
                          .properties.instanceView.currentState.state); //'Waiting' because it's still pulling image

    //Alternatively, we can use 'GetContainerGroupStatus' to get status
    await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(7));//Wait for image to finish pulling
    var containerStatus = await resourceAccess.GetContainerGroupStatus("my-container");
    Console.WriteLine("Container status now is: " + containerStatus);//ContainerStatus.RUNNING

    //Delete container
    await resourceAccess.DeleteContainer("my-container");
    containerStatus = await resourceAccess.GetContainerGroupStatus("my-container");
    Console.WriteLine("Container status now is: " + containerStatus);//ContainerStatus.DELETED

catch (Exception e)
    Console.WriteLine($"Error occured: {e}");

Not all options are supported. For example, mouning volume drives. I'll be happy for any pull requests and issues about these.