
Get Fritzing here Othermill is now the Bantam Tools Desktop CNC Milling Machine

A trivial single sided Arduino shield


Fritzing Instructions

Open Fritzing and go to the Schematic View

All components are in “Core Parts”

IMPORTANT: Use only through-hole components (THT) (Through-Hole


From the section headed “Microcontrollers” select the first item which is

an Arduino Uno

Add your LED (“Output”) and resistor  (“Basic”)

Add another resistor (“Basic”) and the Force Sensitive Resistor (“Input”)

Switch to the PCB View

Select the grey outline

In the Properties area of the Inspector, in the Layers field, select “One

layer (single sided)

Just below the Layers field, in the Shape field, select “Arduino shield”

Align the shape of the board with the shield template

Move your components to the desired place

IMPORTANT: All components must be on the top

Add traces as necessary

The default traces in Fritzing are quite thin and have a tendency to tear

off the PCB. Wherever possible, make the traces as wide as possible.

IMPORTANT: All traces must be on the bottom

When you are finished laying out your PCB, export your files:

    Empty a thumbdrive or create a new empty folder. Otherplan gets

confused if more than one project is present

    Export from Fritzing: File -> Export -> For production -> Extended


    Put all the project files on the thumbdrive

Othermill Instructions


  1. If Otherplan is running, quit

  2. Start Bantam software

  3. Turn on Othermill

  4. Home the machine


  1. Single Sided FR-1 L2

  2. Standard dimensions (5.000in X 4.000in Y 0.061in Z)

  3. Select left or right bracket as appropriate


  1. Insert thumb drive

  2. Click "Open Files"

  3. Navigate to your thumb drive and select your copperTop.gtl file

  4. "Choose Gerber Files"

1.1. leave Top, Bottom, and Holes as is

1.1. click "Clear" for Outline

1.1.Press "Okay"

  1. Your files will appear and you can see the board in the preview.

Parts to Mill

  1. Note whether the preview is showing the right side of the board. If not, select "Top" or "Bottom" in "Parts to Mill"


  1. If the placement is not where you want it (e.g. if you are using a scrap of board) select "Placement" and move the board to where you want. Always leave at least .1" between the bracket and your traces by placment adjustment.

  2. Press the "Loading" button to move the platform to the front of the machine

  3. Clean the platform carefully of any dust or other debris, especially in the corners of the bracket

  4. Apply double sided tape to your blank PCB. You should cover most of the PCB.

  5. Carefully align the blank PCB to the one cornner of the bracket and press it firmly in place.

  6. Make sure your blank PCB is stuck down really well.

Milling Tools

  1. add 1/16″, 1/32″, and 1/64″ Flat End Mill. The order doesn't matter.

Important: Now that you have added tools, OtherPlan will show the cuts it will make. Inspect the board carefully and make sure that no traces or holes are connected where they shouldn’t be, for example if they are too close together

Click "Mill all Visible"

  1. You will be prompted to insert the smallest endmill

1.1. Insert the requested endmill

1.1. Close the window and press "Continue"

1.1. Press "Locate Tool"

  1. You will be prompted to insert the next endmill

1.1. Insert the requested endmill

1.1. Close the window and press "Continue"

1.1. Press "Locate Tool"

  1. Repeat for the next tool

     When the milling stops, move the board to the front of the machine

(Click “Loading” in “Move to Position”) and remove your board. There is a thin spatula that can be used to help unstick your board.

A double sided Arduino shield


74HC4052_74HC595Shield_schem Fritzing Instructions

Open Fritzing and go to the Schematic View

From the section headed “Microcontrollers” select the first item which is

an Arduino Uno

Search for “595” and select the fourth item, the shift register from


Search for “4052” and select the third item, the analog mux from Sparkfun

Switch to the PCB View

Select the grey outline

In the Properties area of the Inspector, in the Layers field, select “Two

layers (double sided)

Just below the Layers field, in the Shape field, select “Arduino shield”

Align the shape of the board with the shield template

Move your components to the desired place

IMPORTANT: Use only through-hole components (THT) (Through-Hole


Most components should be on the top. If you have any components on the

bottom think carefully about the pin order.

The default traces in Fritzing are quite thin and have a tendency to tear

off the PCB. Wherever possible, make the traces as wide as possible.

IMPORTANT: Think carefully about which side a trace will be soldered to a

component. Since most components are on the top, most soldering will take place on the bottom, so most traces must connect to components on the bottom.

Try to get all the traces on the bottom layer. If you must use traces on

the top to cross over lines, do not use any of the component holes. Instead use vias, and select “Home Etched Via” under Hole Size


When you are finished laying out your PCB, export your files:

    Empty a thumbdrive or create a new empty folder. Otherplan gets

confused if more than one project is present

    Export from Fritzing: File -> Export -> For production -> Extended


    Put all the project files on the thumbdrive

Othermill Instructions

If Otherplan is running, quit

Start Otherplan

Turn on Othermill. This may require both the power switch in the rear and

turning the red emergency stop button on the right hand side

If you get a window that says “New network interfaces have been detected”

hit “Cancel”

Home the machine

Insert thumb drive

Import files

    It will only allow you to click on your copperTop.gtl file but it will

import all the files

    (Optional step: If you did not select an outline for your circuit

board in Fritzing, select “Autogenerate” for the “Board Outline” setting. This is at the bottom of the File Import window. If you don’t see the options, click the “Options” button.)

The first file loaded will be the top of your circuit board. It’s wise to

verify with your design in Fritzing that the correct side has loaded.

Tell Otherplan to place this on the top side. Do this in the “Side:”

setting near the top right corner of the screen, in the “setup” section.

Click “Loading” (in “Move to Position”)
Insert double sided stock. Align the PCB  to the forward left corner of

the bracket.

Set up material (in “Setup”)

    Double Sided FR-1 L2

    Standard dimensions (5.000in X 4.000in Y 0.061in Z)

    Click “Continue”

    Click “Align to Bracket”

    Click “Done

Add tools

    In “Tools to Use” add 1/16″, 1/32″, and 1/64″ Flat End Mill

Change tool

    Click “Change” in “Setup” next to Tool

    Remove end mill

    Click “Continue”

    Select 1/64″ Flat End Mill

    Insert 1/64″ flat end mill

    Click “Continue”

    Allow homing again

    Verify tool position (usually just hit “Continue”). Note that the

“Continue” button takes a few seconds to become clickable.

    Verify safety zone (usually just hit “Locate”). Note that the “Locate”

button takes a few seconds to become clickable.

    In “Parts to Cut”, make sure that ONLY TRACES is selected

    Click “Start Cutting”, and then click “Cut!”

    When instructed, change the tool to the 1/32″ flat end mill and again

home the machine and locate the toolbit. Repeat for the 1/16″ end mill

    When the milling stops, it is time to flip the board and mill the

bottom. Note that the program doesn’t tell you this, it just stops.

    Move the platform to the front of the machine (Click “Loading” in

“Move to Position”) and remove your board. There is a thin spatula that can be used to help unstick your board.

    Remove the tape from the bottom of your board

    Add tape to the other side of the board

    Stick your board to the Othermill taking great care:

        Flip it in the right direction

        Align your PCB against the forward RIGHT corner of the bracket

    Select the other side (“Side” button just below “Setup”)

    Allow homing again

    Verify tool position (usually just hit “Continue”)

    Verify safety zone (usually just hit “Continue”)

    In “Parts to Cut”, make sure all three (Traces, Holes, and Outlines)

are selected

    Click “Start Cutting”

    When instructed, change the tool to the 1/32″ flat end mill and again

home the machine and locate the toolbit. Repeat for the 1/16″ end mill

    When the milling stops, move the board to the front of the machine

(Click “Loading” in “Move to Position”) and remove your board. There is a thin spatula that can be used to help unstick your board.

  1. Click “Loading” (in “Move to Position”)

  2. Insert single sided PCB stock. Verify with a monitor that you have aligned the PCB to the correct corner of the bracket.