Hello World Plus

Technology Chosen

  • Backend
    • Node.js
    • Express.js framework for routing and middleware
    • pg library for connecting to db
    • express-session and pg-simple-session for sessions
    • morgan for logging
    • nodemon for dev live reloading
    • dotenv for environmental variables
    • node-fetch for fetching the name-meaning website
    • cheerio for parsing the html returned
  • Database
    • PostgreSQL for users, name data, and sessions
  • Frontend
    • React.js


  • The reason I chose Node.js for the backend is because it is what I am most familiar with. Node stands out for async programming and heavy I/O uses cases like a real-time chat or gaming. This hello world plus app is just a simple CRUD app and so any back-end language would do.


  • A user can submit their name and be greeted by name
  • Store in a normalized database timestamp and client IP that submits each name
  • Screen scrape name meanings. Display no more than 100 chars with a link to learn more. Store meaning in db. Provide mode to turn off db storing of name meaning for dev purposes.
  • History area of page that displays last 10 names submitted. Allow users to control how many names to display
  • Sessions. Store the last name a user submitted so they will be greeted by name if they return. Display session ID on page. Provide a way for user to destroy the session.
  • Clearing stats. Provide a way to clear history from the DB both from the web interface and the command line.


  • Avoid obvious security mistakes
  • Testing. Test coverage report as a bonus.