
Web app for researching sales tax rates.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Sales Tax Search

Sales Tax Search is a web application designed to assist tax preparers and accountants with the often tedious task of looking up sales tax rates. It is still under development and all suggestions for its improvement are much appreciated.

08/19/20: I'm currently rewritting the application using React and friends on the front end. See v2 of the app here: https://github.com/michaelsinghurse/sales-tax-search-v2.

Technologies Used



Technical Challenges

SPA without a Framework

I wanted the app to have the look and feel of a single page application without the overhead of using a front-end framework. I knew at the outset that I was just going to have a few pages - the search page, an about page, and a login page - and I wanted each page to have the same header, background image, and footer. If I had separate HTML files for each of those pages, there would be a significant amount of code duplication. Instead, I chose to create one base HTML file and use client-side JavaScript to switch out the content of the main element in response to user navigation.

Let me illustrate how this works by considering the following two scenarios.

#1: User enters a url. When the user enters a url, the browser sends a request to the server for the resource at the entered path, whether it's "/" for the root, "/about" for the "About" page, or "/foo" for a non-existent page. The server always responds by sending the "index" page, which is the shell for all the other views and contains links to the static resources like CSS and JavaScript files and the header, main (which is empty), and footer elements.

Once the browser receives and parses the "index" page, it fires the DOMContentLoaded event. Client-side JavaScript responds to this event by fetching and inserting the view corresponding to the url. It first retrieves the url of the current page via the window.location.pathname property. It then checks to see if that path is for a page that actually exists. If so, it sends an AJAX request to the server for the view corresponding to that page. If the path does not exist, it sends a request for the "404" view. For example, if the url is "salestaxsearch.com/about", a request is sent for "/views/about". If the url is "salestaxsearch.com/foo", a page that doesn't exist, a request is sent to "/views/404". Finally, once the view is returned, it is inserted into the main element.

#2: User clicks a navigation anchor. When the user clicks a navigation bar anchor, JavaScript code prevents the browser from taking its default action of following the link. If this were allowed to occur, there would be the same two round trips to the server as illustrated in the case of the user entering a url (discussed above) and a full page load of the "index" page. Instead, JavaScript code sends an AJAX request for the view referenced in the anchor element's href property, and inserts the returned HTML into the main element. There is not a page reload and only one trip across the network.

If nothing more were done at this point, however, the user's back and forward navigation buttons would not work as expected. Because the browser's default action was prevented, the session history was not updated and the browser acts as if the page was never changed. In order to simulate a true page change, I used the History API to add the new url to the history stack via the history.pushState method. The first and second arguments to the method are state and title. Since the application isn't maintaining state between pages and since the title attribute is ignored by most browsers, I simply pass in an empty object and an empty string, respectively. The third argument, url, is the relevant one here, and I pass in the value of the anchor element's href property. After doing this, the back and forward buttons work as expected.

Minimizing the Wait for a Map

Rendering the map at the sales location is a two-step process involving two separate Google Maps API's. I first need to call the Google Maps Geocoding API in order to determine the latitude and longitude of the sales location. I then pass these coordinates to the Google Maps JavaScript API, and it renders a map centered at that location. The JavaScript API must be used in the browser, while the Geocoding API can be used either in the browser or the server.

In my first iteration of the app, I called the Geocoding API and JavaScript API in sequence from the browser. Upon a search form submit, I took the street, city, state, and zip and made an AJAX request to the server. The server called the Avalara AvaTax API for the tax rates at that address and rendered a view that contained the rates. I then inserted the view in the main element and called the Geocoding API and the JavaScript API. What happened was that the div container for the map would be empty for a second or two while waiting for the two Maps API's to respond. I didn't want this to happen so I re-factored the steps.

The current iteration has the server calling both the Avalara and Geocoding API's. I use Promise.allReady() to wait for the response from both API's, and then render a view that contains both the rates and the latitude and longitude. The latitude and longitude are placed in a data attribute in the map's div container. Once the HTML is returned, the JavaScript API is called with the latitude and longitude from from the map container. I didn't measure the difference in speed, but now the map typically renders less than a second after the search results containing the rates does.

Exposing the Google Maps API key

The Google Maps JavaScript API key must be embedded in a script element. This poses a security problem as anyone who is motivated can look at the HTML of your page and steal the key. In addition, if you have the key embedded in your markup, it will show up on GitHub. I did this initially and received security warnings from GitHub, and so I knew I needed to change something.

I took a few steps to mitigate the likelihood of my key being stolen and the damage that might occur if it were.

First, rather than storing the key in the HTML file, I put it in an environment variable and have the view engine insert it when the page is sent by the server. Someone can still access the HTML if they are viewing the web site, but at least it's not sitting there in the markup in my public repo. Second, I set restrictions on the key through the Google Console. I restricted the key to only specific hosts, and so unless the request is coming from one of the two or three I specify, the request will be rejected. Third, I created a separate key for the Geocoding API. As I said above, I use the Geocoding API on the server-side only, and so this key doesn't come with the same security vulnerabilities as using the other key does.

Potential Features

  1. Add links to jurisdiction websites. One accountant suggested that it would be helpful if each search result contained hyperlinks to the state, city, county, and district taxing jurisdiction websites. The user could then click through to see the primary source documents for the rates.

  2. Separate the combined district rate into its individual components. The app currently lumps all special district taxes together, and there is no way to tell what the individual district names and rates are. For example, certain addresses in Denver, CO have a combined district rate of 1.1%. If this new feature were added, there would be a line for each of the individual district rates that make up the combined rate - in this case, the Regional Transportation District tax of 1% and the Scientific and Cultural Facilities District tax of 0.1%.

  3. Add an input for the seller's address. In some states and for some transactions, the sales tax rate is based upon the seller's address rather than the buyer's. For example, one origin-based state is Illinois. If a business is based in Chicago, and it ships a product to a customer in Rockford, IL, it would charge the Chicago rate (origin) rather than the Rockford rate (destination). As it stands now, the app doesn't consider the complexities of origin- and destination-based rates. It shows you the rate that would apply if you bought a product face-to-face at the address you entered.

  4. Add an input for the product type. Product types add another layer of complexity to sales tax rates. There are different rates for different products. For example, some states have lower rates for essentials like groceries and medicine. Some states have different rates for software depending on whether the software is custom or off-the-shelf ("canned"). In order to present an accurate sales tax rate, the app needs to take the product type into consideration. The app currently returns only the default/general sales tax rate for a location.
