A Java Spring Boot Microservice that provides a REST API used to initiate server actions such as power control and blink LED.
A docker container for this service is available at: https://hub.docker.com/r/rackhd/dell-server-action/
sudo docker run -p --name dell-server-action -d rackhd/dell-server-action:latest
A Swagger UI is provided by the microservice at http://<>:46007/swagger-ui.html
This docker microservice is available under the Apache 2.0 License.
Source code for this microservice is available in repositories at https://github.com/RackHD.
The microservice makes use of dependent Jar libraries that may be covered by other licenses. In order to comply with the requirements of applicable licenses, the source for dependent libraries used by this microservice is available for download at: https://bintray.com/rackhd/binary/download_file?file_path=smi-service-dell-server-configuration-profile-dependency-sources-devel.zip
Additionally the binary and source jars for all dependent libraries are available for download on Maven Central.
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