
Primary LanguageVim Script

vim-vhdl Plugin

Installation Instructions

You must have ruby, gem, and git installed before executing the following instructions.

  1. git clone https://github.com/darkwind-mt/vhdl\_parser.git
  2. cd vhdl_parser
  3. gem build vhdl_parser.gemspec
  4. gem install vhdl_parser-*.gem

If you are using vundle, you can install the software with the following command in your .vimrc

Bundle 'https://github.com/darkwind-mt/vhdl_vim.git'

You must also list a configuation line that specifies the location of the the vhdl\_parser gem:

let g:vhdl\_parser\_parse\_dir = 'C:/Ruby192/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/vhdl\_parser-0.3/lib/'


The following commands are available in insert and normal modes:

  1. <Leader>vy - In the current VHDL file copy the file location to the @v register for usage with the paste commands.
  2. <Leader>vs - Paste signals that correspond to the first entity in the @v file

The follwoing commands are available in insert and normal modes:

  1. <Leader>vy - In the current VHDL file copy the file location to the @v register for usage with the paste commands.
  2. <Leader>vs - Paste signals that correspond to the first entity in the @v file.
  3. <Leader>vc - Paste component that corresponds to the first entity in the @v file.
  4. <Leader>vc - Paste instantiation that corresponds to the first entity in the @v file.

If you don't like the formatting, you can always execute the gg=G command to reformat your entire file.