Run a function on an interval while an element is focused.
$ npm install --save focus-interval
Executes a function at a defined interval only while an element is focused. When the element recieves focus again:
- if the interval has elapsed, the function will be fired again and a new interval started.
- if the interval has not elapsed, an interval will be set for the remaining time, after which the function will fire and a new interval started, e.g.
- 10 minute interval
- 4 minutes pass
- Element looses focus
- 2 minutes pass
- Element receives focus
- Interval gets set for 4 minutes
- 4 minutes pass
- Function fires
- 10 minute interval begins
focusInterval(<fn>, <ms>, <element>);
- fn: The function to be fired on interval
- ms: The duration of the interval in milliseconds
- element: The DOM node to monitor for focus/blur events
returns a function to remove the event handler from the element and cancels any active intervals.
import focusInterval from 'focus-interval';
const cancelInterval = focusInterval(() => {}, 1000, element);
Save/persist the contents of a <textarea>
every 3 seconds while the text area is focused
import focusInterval from 'focus-interval';
const savePost = () => {
const textArea = document.querySelector('textarea');
focusInterval(savePost, 3000, textArea);
Refresh your api authentication token every 30 minutes while the window
is in focus.
import focusInterval from 'focus-interval';
const refreshToken = () => {
focusInterval(refreshToken, 30000, window);
In this example leaving the window
(e.g. the browser tab) for a period longer than the interval would mean when you refocus, the refreshToken
function fires instantly, authenticating or logging them out.