
A Python 3.7 climatempo.com.br scraper client

Primary LanguagePython

A client for scraping weather data from Climatempo


  • Python 3.7.1.
  • An activated python virtualenv.

Considering you have already installed the requirements:

Installing clima

Clone the repository and install it:

git clone https://github.com/michaeltcoelho/clima.git

Go to /clima directory:

Run the following command:

make install


Running tests:

make test

Displaying brazilian cities in alphabetical order

See help:

clima show --help

You gonna see the following output:

Usage: clima show [OPTIONS]

  Display a given number of brazilian cities weather data ordered.

  --concurrency INTEGER
  --limit INTEGER
  --help                 Show this message and exit.

You can pass as options the number of concurrent scrapers running and the number of cities you want to scrape.

clima show --concurrency 2 --limit 1


|     City      | State |  Month   | Min. Temp. (˚ | Max. Temp. (˚ | Rain (mm) |
|               |       |          |      C)       |      C)       |           |
| Abadia de Goi |  GO   | Dezembro |      21       |      29       |    264    |
|      ás       |       |          |               |               |           |