
Quake log parser

Primary LanguagePython

Quake log parser

Proposed Solution

Two packages are provided, the first one is game, which provides domain entities and abstract classes, and the second one is parser which is the concrete implementation of the game's log parser.

The parser.LogParser is responsible for reading the log file and to interpret the type of event by applying a regex expression to each line in the log file. When an event type is matched then the log parser will notify all event handlers registered to the games.events.EventObservable (which is a very simple implementation of the Observer Pattern) instance, which are instested in that event type notified. We have event handlers like:

  • parser.handlers.InitGameEventHandler: responsible for handling InitGame events;
  • parser.handlers.ShutdownGameEventHandler: responsible for handling ShutdownGame events, and;
  • parser.handlers.KillEventHandler: responsible for handling Kill events.

For providing persistency for entities it's been choosen the Repository Pattern. We have a concrete implementation of game.games.GameRepository in parser.repositories.MemoryGameRepository whose role is to persist information in memory by making use of a dictionary.


  • Python 3.7.1.
  • An activated python virtualenv.

Considering you have already installed the requirements:


Clone the repository and install it:

git clone https://github.com/michaeltcoelho/game-log-parser.git

Go to /game-log-parser directory:

Run the following command for installing dependencies:

make install


Running tests:

make test


Running server:

make server

Making requests using Curl

Get all games

curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Get game by uid

curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json"<replace by a game's uid>

API Documentation

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