
Vue.js PWA using the latest Workbox for simple caching and push notifications. IndexedDB to store map tiles for offline use.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Primarily a test ground to try some technologies I want to use for an app.

  • PWA
    • icons and paths
    • app shortcuts
    • load pages while offline
    • alert user they are offline or back online
    • alert if service worker is not available
  • update available popup
  • cache static files such as fonts
  • cache map tiles
    • learn to migrate IndexedDB schema
    • expire map tiles (staleWhileValidate)
    • speed up cache retreival by using indexed key instead of filter
    • wrap console logs in checks if env === production
    • wrap console logs for failed fetch when offline
    • handle cache full
    • background sync or something to POST to backend when back online
  • WebPush
    • relook at sw-push.js and check all those events are up to date with current browsers and how I've implemented them
  • Map
    • dark theme map design
    • bounded area
    • max zoom out
    • loading bar across page for currently downloading tiles
    • viewport marker list
    • search bar
    • add new marker dialog
  • Location API
    • get user device location permission
    • get user device location
    • show user device location on map
    • alert location is not available

Current task

NOTE: I've realized I've begun developing my app in this repo that should focus on learning and developing PWA and Leaflet skills so I'll migrate that code out in the future into a repo built upon lessons here. Although, some skills related to PWA are still revelant to below such as delayed API updates when offline so I'll continue here for a bit more before I leave this repo as a proof of concept and begin the app.

Search bar searches the store for nakamal by some attribute such as location or name. Question becomes to I keep everything frontend? I believe I have to at least keep nakamal names, locations on frontend. Perhaps in future when opening more detailed information about a nakamal that would fetch from API then cache results for awhile. Any future plans for live updates would be websockets or something along those lines to just make an event occur on the map but only when it is live.

Map Notes

Vector tiles are what we want instead of raster tiles since we live in an area where bandwidth considerations are paramount. They require more CPU to render though but I'll take that instead of consuming bandwidth and phone storage in IndexedDB. They also allow for custom colour themes which would be great for a dark and light theme.

[x] Leaflet supports vector tiles non-natively - is there a newer alternative for vector tiles? Seems leaflet is still good for me and fine, if I'm going to cache tiles then its okay if they are bit larger than vectors since then users with weaker phones will be okay to view the map. Others:

  • OpenLayers
  • MapBox GL JS

Loading bar https://openlayers.org/en/latest/examples/tile-load-events.html https://leafletjs.com/reference-1.7.1.html#tilelayer-loading

Bounding the map is easy but what is the difference between bounds and maxBounds?

  • bounds attribute can support .sync modifier so perhaps I can use it as a rolling value to query for markers within my current view and show them as a list to select from in a menu
  • maxBounds attribute is absolute limit of the map navigation. I'll limit it to an area I want to keep the user so their map can not travel freely anywhere and build up a considerable cache.

IndexedDB Notes

Storing blobs is not supported everywhere so need to try and catch apparently. https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2014/07/Blob-support-for-IndexedDB-landed-on-Chrome-Dev

Sources and Guides

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15Yr-J4X34M Great tutorial video that details caching and push notifications

https://github.com/web-push-libs/pywebpush https://www.blog.plint-sites.nl/how-to-add-push-notifications-to-a-progressive-web-app/

https://jakearchibald.com/2014/offline-cookbook/ https://github.com/davidgaroro/vuetify-todo-pwa

https://naturaily.com/blog/pwa-vue-cli-3 https://developers.google.com/web/tools/workbox/

Service Worker Notes

Since I want to use WebPush and possibly other sw features I have to use 'InjectManifest' plugin https://developers.google.com/web/tools/workbox/modules/workbox-webpack-plugin#which_plugin_to_use

Service workers are not active in development mode. Must build the project then run built files to see sw in action.

Globally install http-server then run the following yarn build && cd dist && http-server && cd ... https://medium.com/@stephen.trevor.wong/3-steps-to-add-pwa-to-vue-js-in-2020-9f9daa56f9 https://github.com/stetrevor/vuejs-pwa-demo

Project setup

yarn install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

yarn serve

Compiles and minifies for production

yarn build

Lints and fixes files

yarn lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.