
Unofficial API for the Vanuatu Meteorology and Geo-Hazards Department

Primary LanguageHTML

Unofficial VMGD API

A web scraper and API for the Vanuatu Meteorology & Geo-Hazards Department (VMGD) website. The goal of this project is to provide VMGD data in a machine readable format. However, for no technical reason, I've limited the scope of the project to only the forecast and warnings section of the VMGD website.


First setup the environment file. Update the values as needed.

cp ./data/.env.template ./data/.env

Then run the database migrations.

alembic upgrade head

Project commands are found in the manage.py file.

To start the dev server:

./manage.py dev

To watch changes to scss files:

./manage.py compile-scss --watch



  • consider offering option to allow users to query by fetched_at, issued_at or other date value
  • fun api endpoints like "do I need an umbrella today" endpoint

Current tasks

  • improve /raw/pages endpoint