
My profile page

Primary LanguageCSS

Tiny Build

Tired of dealing with a front-end mess for tiny websites or prototyping? Tiny Build aims to solve that problem.

Say hello to Tiny Build:

  • NPM for package management (duh!)
  • NPM to run the scripts
  • Browserify to bundle the javascript
  • Babel the ES6 to ES5 transpiler
  • cssnext for transpiling the css
  • React for UI components

Run the scripts

Boot: Installs packages and builds npm run boot

Boot and watch: Installs the packages and then watches for changes npm run boot:watch

Build: Builds the project npm run build

Watch: Watches the project and rebuilds npm run watch

Start: Starts the server and runs watch, in seperate terminal tabs npm run start

Clean the slate

Wipe: Deletes the build and node_modules dirs npm run wipe

Clean: Deletes just the build dir npm run clean


Superstatic is a cool simple webserver that supports HTML pushState.

Start the webserver.

superstatic -p 4000 public

For single page apps add a superstatic.json file to the root of your project.

  "rewrites": [
      "source": "**",
      "destination": "/index.html"