Welcome to my dotfiles repository, where I store configuration and setup files from my home directory. These dotfiles help me maintain a consistent and efficient environment across different systems.
This repository is deprecated. Please refer to the michaelvanstraten/systems repository for the latest configurations and system management.
bash -c "$(curl -sS https://raw.githubusercontent.com/michaelvanstraten/dotfiles/master/.scripts/bootstrap.sh)"
I'm currently working on documenting the installation process to make it easier for others to use my dotfiles. Stay tuned for updates!
Here's a list of the key components and tools in my setup, along with their respective configuration files:
- macOS Package Manager: Homebrew - Configuration
- Window Manager: Yabai - Configuration
- Terminal Emulator: Alacritty - Configuration
- Terminal Multiplexer: tmux - Configuration
- Shell: fish - Configuration
- Editor: Neovim - Configuration
- Font: Jetbrains Mono
- Keyboard Customization: Karabiner-Elements - Configuration
Feel free to explore these configurations and adapt them to your own preferences. If you have any questions or suggestions, please don't hesitate to reach out!