
A simple js-plugin to switch a menu to a mobile view when the menu items wrap

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Truly responsive-menu plugin

This plugin is meant to help make menus on webpages truly responsive. Rather than break a menu to a mobile view on a CSS breakpoint, why not break it to a mobile view when the menu items start wrapping? That is exactly what this plugin will do for you.


Install using npm i --save-dev truly-responsive-menu or bower i --save truly-responsive-menu.

Basic usage

Initiate the plugin using:


where options is an object containing options. For basic usage, add the data-menu-container attribute to the element containing all the menu items. The plugin will add the toggleClasses to the container (default: 'is-mobile') when the menu items start to wrap. When the screen is large enough to fit all the menu items on one line, the toggleClasses will be removed.

Basic implementation:

<ul data-menu-container>
	<li>Menu item 1</li>
	<li>Menu item 2</li>
	<li>Menu item 3</li>
	<li>Menu item 4</li>

When the menu items start to wrap due to the viewport being too narrow, the <ul> will get the class is-mobile:

<ul class="is-mobile" data-menu-container>
	<li>Menu item 1</li>
	<li>Menu item 2</li>
	<li>Menu item 3</li>
	<li>Menu item 4</li>

You can use this class to style the mobile version of the menu accordingly.


The plugin relies on offsetTop to check whether all menu items have the same top position on the screen. If so, the menu items are not wrapping and the desktop view is sufficient. When the offsetTop values are not all equal, it means that at least one of the menu items is wrapping and the mobile menu must be initiated. After each resize event a function is fired (and debounced) that removes the toggleClasses and checks whether the menu items wrap. If so, the toggleClasses are readded to the container.


container (default: '[data-menu-container]'): A string representing the selector that is used to find the direct container of the menu items.

children (default: All the direct children of container): A string representing the selector that is used to find the menu items. When provided in the options object, the children selector should target all menu items that need to be accounted for when the plugin checks whether the menu wraps. For instance, if you add '[data-menu-child]' as a selector, you can use it as follows:

<ul data-menu-container>
	<li data-menu-child>Menu item 1</li>
	<li data-menu-child>Menu item 2</li>
	<li data-menu-child>Menu item 3</li>
	<li data-menu-child>Menu item 4</li>

toggleClasses (default: ['is-mobile']): An array of strings of all the classes that should be toggled on/off on the container element to trigger the mobile styles.


Version: 1.0.2 by Michael van den Oudenalder