
Modern Wikipedia reader. Contains the ability to cache pages offline and to load from a database

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


This is a clean wikipedia reader, designed for use on my website periodicstats.com.

It is designed to be used for embedding wikipedia pages in web applications, and offers custmomisability in how it is implemented.

It is also designed to allow caching in a database, to speed up page loads, and contains some basic CSS (still in progress) to get you started.

It is designed to be generic, so should work in most use cases.


Download the repository or add as a submodule to the root of your existing code

You can then import the code, using:

require "./wikireader/index.php";


Firstly create a new instance of the class as follows:

$wikireader = new wikireader();

The class contains three public functions, one for loading a page, using your server as a proxy working in real time. The other two functions are for caching pages, with approprate modification, into a database, and for loaing them on demand.

They are as follows:

public function loadPage(string $uri,[string $filePathToInsert])

public function cache(string $uri, int $firstLinkIndex, string $dbname, [string $servername], [string $username], [string $password], [string $tableName])

public function loadPageFromDB(string $uri, string $dbname, [string $servername], [string $username], [string $password], [string $tableName])

The expected formatting and defaults are as follows:

$uri should contain the section of the url after the final slash. Internally https://wikipedia.org/wiki/ is inserted before this.

$filePathToInsert defaults to "wikiLoad.php" if there is no input. This is the file that will handle the implementation of my class.

$firstLinkIndex should be the index of the first link on the page you want to cache (can be found by looking at code in dev tools).

$dbname should be the name of your database.

$servername defaults to "localhost".

$username defaults to "root".

$password defaults to an empty string.

$tableName defaults to "wikipages".

Database Structure

For using the database related function you should use mysql.

Your table should contain four columns which are detailed as follows:

MEDIUMTEXT Contents (Datatype depends on size of pages)


  • $uri in the cache function should link to a directory page, currently. I may later offer the ability to cache pages based on other metrics.

  • It is strongly advised you use a different username and password combination to the one listed above.

  • If you are looking to save chemical symbols check out the 'periodicstats' branch. This is non-generic and includes my caching of symbols.


  • Add a demo - will probably be on the site listed above, when fully integrated.

  • I would like to add the ability to cache individual pages, rather than from a directory page

  • Improve CSS to make the design more responsive, and to cover more elements

  • Add further options for caching, such as redis for greater speed, although this would be memory intensive, and could take some time to properly program