
Model based prediction of C. elegans lipids

Primary LanguageR



Genome scale metabolic networks typically do not represent lipid metabolism in full detail. This package aims to use template reactions to generate a lipid reaction network at resolution of acyl chains.


To install LipidNetworkPredictR from GitHub, install the package via devtools:

if (!requireNamespace("devtools", quietly = TRUE))

The code in the Github repository is a place where we publicly disclose our development process.

Quick start


## define the fatty acids that the reactions will be built upon
FA <- c("FA(14:0(12Me))", "FA(16:0(14Me))", "FA(15:1(9Z)(14Me))",        
	"FA(17:0(16Me))", "FA(12:0(11Me))", "FA(13:0(12Me))", "FA(14:0(13Me))",
	"FA(15:0(14Me))", "FA(16:0(15Me))", "FA(12:0)", "FA(14:0)")

## create data.frame with reactions and reaction order, for illustrative
## reasons this will only represent a small subset of the actual lipid 
## metabolism
reactions <- rbind(
	c(1, "RHEA:15421", "M_atp + M_coa + M_fatacid <=> M_ppi + M_amp + M_fataccoa", FALSE),
	c(2, "RHEA:15325", "M_glyc3p + M_fataccoa <=> M_coa + M_alpa_pl", FALSE),
	c(3, "RHEA:19709", "M_fataccoa + M_alpa_pl <=> M_coa + M_pa_pl", FALSE),
	c(4, "RHEA:27429", "M_h2o + M_pa_pl <=> M_pi + M_12dag", FALSE)
reactions <- data.frame(order = reactions[, 1], RHEA = reactions[, 2],
	reactions = reactions[, 3], directed = reactions[, 4])
reactions$order <- as.numeric(reactions$order)
reactions$directed <- as.logical(reactions$directed)

## run the function
reaction_l <- create_reactions(substrates = list(FA = FA), reactions = reactions)

## create the adjacency matrix
adj <- create_reaction_adjacency_matrix(reaction_l)

The adj object can be further analyzed in subsequent analysis (e.g. by using igraph).