
R package to estimate mortality with SOFA, qSOFA, and APACHEII scores

Primary LanguageR


R package to estimate mortality with SOFA, qSOFA, and APACHEII scores.

SepsisScores functions:

  • APACHEII_missingness
  • APACHEII_mortality
  • APACHEII_points
  • SOFA_missingness
  • SOFA_mortality
  • SOFA_points


  • APACHEII_points: takes a dataframe with critical care variables named by the Grady Memorial Hospital COVID chart review data dictionary and produces a dataframe with record_id and points for each component of the APACHEII score.

  • APACHEII_missingness: takes APACHEII_points output as input dataframe and calculates number and percent missing by variable, including APACHEII score.

  • APACHEII_mortality: takes APACHEII_points output table as input dataframe and calculates estimated in-hospital mortality by operative status. Output is a dataframe with record_id, post-operative status, and non-operative status mortality predictions.

  • SOFA_points: takes a dataframe with critical care variables named by the Grady Memorial Hospital COVID chart review data dictionary and produces a dataframe with record_id and points for each component of the SOFA & qSOFA scores.

  • SOFA_missingness: takes SOFA_points output table as input dataframe and calculates number and percent missing by variable, including APACHEII score.

  • SOFA_mortality: takes SOFA_points output table as input dataframe and calculates estimated in-hospital mortality by operative status. Output is a dataframe with record_id, SOFA & qSOFA mortality predictions.