
Wrapper around Microsoft Academic Knowledge API to retrieve MAG data

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Microsoft Academic Knowledge API wrapper


Microsoft Academic knowledge provides rich API'S to retrieve information from Microsoft Academic Graph. MAG knowledge base is web-based heterogeneous entity graph which consists of entities such as Papers, Field of study, Authors, Affiliations, Citation Contexts, References etc.

This tool provides a wrapper around the Knowledge API to retrieve Authors, Field of Study and Papers data.


    pip install magapi-wrapper


   git clone https://github.com/bethgelab/magapi_wrapper
   pip install . or python setup.py install

Get Started

To access the data from Microsoft Academic Knowledge you need a key. Visit here and subscribe. Once you have the key, you can use the key to retrieve the data.


mag-api is a console script, it can be called with your key and other optional arguments.

mag-api key [optional-args]

  • key Key from Microsoft Academic Knowledge API. Visit https://msr-apis.portal.azure-api.net/ to get your key

  • --entity {paper,author,affiliation,study field} Entity type to download

  • --save Path to store the file. By default it will be in Downloads

  • --format {csv,json}

  • --count count Number documents to be downloaded

  • --AA.AfId affiliation_id Author affiliation id

  • --AA.AfN affiliation_name Author affiliation name, comma separated values for more than one value

  • --AA.AuId AA.AUID Author Id from Microsoft Academic, comma separated ids for more than one. You can get the ID from https://academic.microsoft.com

  • --AA.AuN author_name Author name. Comma separated names for multiple authors

  • --D publication_date Date published in YYYY-MM-DD format. Which accepts <, > and range

  • --F.FN study_field Field of study. Comma separated values for more than one field

  • --Id paper_id Paper ID from Microsoft Academic Graph. You can get the ID from https://academic.microsoft.com

  • --Ti title Paper title. This will not accept only English characters

  • --Y publication_year Publication Year. It can also accepts >, < and <>

  • --citations This field returns all the cited papers for given titles or paper ids

  • --AuN author_name Author name/s to download authors profile

  • --FN field_name Field of study to download Study field statistics


Using 64d4420ee3584a6d81feac210a7e5019 as a dummy key.

1 Retrieve 100 papers from one Author and save to file in csv format

  mag-api 64d4420ee3584a6d81feac210a7e5019 --save --format=csv --AA.AuN="matthias bethge" --count=100

2 Retrieve All papers from author from year between 2015 and 2020

 mag-api 64d4420ee3584a6d81feac210a7e5019 --save --format=csv --count=1000 --AA.AuN="matthias bethge" -Y=2015,2020

3 Retrieve papers from author with specific affiliation

 mag-api 64d4420ee3584a6d81feac210a7e5019 --save --format=csv --count=1000 --AA.AuN="matthias bethge" --AA.AfN="university of tuebingen"

4 Retrieve all papers from two authors

 mag-api 64d4420ee3584a6d81feac210a7e5019 --save --format=csv --count=1000 --AA.AuN="matthias bethge,wieland brendel"

5 Retrieve all the papers which are citing specific paper/s

For example I want to get all the papers which are ciiting the paper Image Style Transfer Using Convolutional Neural Networks

 mag-api 64d4420ee3584a6d81feac210a7e5019 --save --format=csv --count=1000 --Ti="Image Style Transfer Using Convolutional Neural Networks" --citations

6 Retrieve all the papers from University/Institute in specific domain

For Example retrieving all the papers in the area of Machine learning from University of Tuebingen
 mag-api 64d4420ee3584a6d81feac210a7e5019 --save --format=csv --count=1000 --AA.AfN="University of tuebingen" --F.FN="machine learning"

7 Retrieve author profiles

  mag-api 64d4420ee3584a6d81feac210a7e5019 --save --format=csv --entity=author --AuN="matthias bethge,wieland brendel"

8 Retrieve study fields

  mag-api 64d4420ee3584a6d81feac210a7e5019 --save --format=csv --entity="study field" --FN="deep learning,machine learning"

9 Retrieve publications from different universities/institutions.

mag-api 64d4420ee3584a6d81feac210a7e5019 --save --format=csv --count=10000 --AA.AfN="university of tuebingen,university of stuttgart"


  1. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/academic-services/graph/
  2. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/academic-services/project-academic-knowledge/introduction


This repo is currently maintained by Kantharaju Narayanappa (@kantharajucn). If you find any bugs or incorrect data please report.