This is a Wails template using Svelte with Vite for asset bundling as well as Tailwind CSS. Immediately after installing do the following:
- First, double-check the values in wails.json and frontend/package.json
- Run
npm install
from within thefrontend/
dir to install the JS dependencies - Run
wails build
from the project root dir to build thedist/
directory for the first time. Completing this is also a good first test.
To run in live development mode, go into the frontend/
directory and run npm run dev
Then, in another terminal, run wails dev
in the project directory.
You can navigate to http://localhost:34115 in your browser to connect to your application or (preferably) just work off of the Wails app that launches via wails dev
Changes made to frontend source files in should trigger Vite to reload and changes to any .go files should trigger Wails to recompile and reload.
To build a redistributable, production mode package, use wails build
From time to time I have noticed that the live reload seems to stop working, especially for the JS side.
Normally, closing both dev servers and relaunching, starting with npm run dev
in frontend/
followed by wails dev
in the project root seems to take care of that.
By default, Vite does not bundle source files when previewing with the dev server.
It essentially acts as a no-bundle dev server, using the source files.
This is feature needs to basically be disabled to function alongside of the Wails dev server.
Therefore, you will notice that the frontend is being rebuilt when Vite sees a change.
This is accomplished by changing the npm run dev
command from vite
to vite build --watch
in /frontend/package.json
As of this writing, Jan 2022, I have only tested this on macOS. I have yet to get a Windows dev environment set up. If you try this on Windows, I would appreciate it if you'd let me know how it went.
Starting with Wails version v2.0.0-beta.33 you can just use wails dev
to start and monitor both frontend and backend changes simultaneously.
There is a new config setting for wails.json
called frontend:dev:watcher
Im my experience it's best to set its value to an npm run
script command that is launching vite build --watch
rather than entering vite build --watch
for the value.
At this point you should be able to just do wails dev
and it will first launch the Vite watcher, then compile the app and launch it with just that one command.
Example frontend/package.json
"scripts": {
"vite": "vite",
"dev": "vite build --watch",
"build": "vite build",
"preview": "vite preview",
And wails.json
"frontend:build": "npm run build",
"frontend:install": "npm install",
"frontend:dev": "",
"frontend:dev:watcher": "npm run dev",
"wailsjsdir": "./frontend",
Being new to both Vite and Wails, the above-mentioned caveat gave me quite a fit for a while,
but after comparing the package.json
and vite.config.js
files in the Wails + Vite + View templates with those
generated by the Vite-Svelte scaffolded template, I was able to finally get it working.
You can get more information about the Wails + Vite + View templates here: