
chef cookbook for installing mongodb. Original version from customink / customink-cookbooks

Primary LanguageRuby


Installs and configures 1-n mongo instances for each node.


  • [:mongodb][:mongods][:mongod] - a unique name for this instance
  • [:mongodb][:mongods][:port] - a unique port for this instance
  • [:mongodb][:mongods][:replication_set] - the identifier of the replica set that this instance is part of
  • [:mongodb][:mongods][:run_backups] - whether or not to run hourly backups
  • [:mongodb][:mongods][:rest] - whether or not to make the HTTP Admin interface available
  • [:mongodb][:mongods][:monit] - whether or not to configure monit scripts
  • [:mongodb][:mongods][:additional_settings] - a hash of additional setting for the mongo configuration file


To add a mongo instance to your node:

  • add a recipe file that sets the attributes listed above
  • upload your recipe to the server
  • run chef-client