
Developer-friendly API for building loyalty rewards integrations into your app. Techologies: Java 8, Spring (Boot, Data, Security), Hibernate, Flyway, QueryDSL, Lombok, ModelMapper, Kotlin Tests.

Primary LanguageJava

Loyalty Program API

REST API that allows you to incorporate a customizable loyalty rewards program into your own application.

The goal of this project is to expose a developer-friendly API via which an organization may define:

  • bonuses available for organization members for a specific amount of points
  • rules for points exchange between members
  • automatically rewarding best members in a specific timespan (rankings)
  • periodically resetting pools of points available for members
  • process of reward claim realization
  • ... many many more ...

Developer's guide

Tech Stack

  • Java 8
  • Spring Boot Web
  • Spring Data JPA
  • Spring Security
  • Hibernate
  • Flyway migrations
  • QueryDSL
  • ModelMapper
  • Lombok
  • Jackson
  • Swagger
  • Gradle
  • Kotlin
  • Spek
  • Mockito
  • JUnit

Build & run

The application uses gradle as a build tool. To build and run go to project directory and simply execute:

./gradlew build
./gradlew bootRun

It can be then accessed at localhost:8999.

API specification is available at http:localhost:8999/swagger-ui.html