
Code (C++ for Atmega328, Lua for ESP8266) and schematics of a device made for my thesis (bachelor's degree in Mechatronics)

Primary LanguageLua

WiFi based RTV IR remote range extender

The aim for this project was to design and develop a device which can be used to extend range of IR communication between RTV remote and RTV device using WiFi. It was latter extended to provide the functionality of controlling RTV devices with a PC or smartphone connected trough WiFi to the device (a web application is presented on the screen).

device development

The device consists of two cooperating parts in client-server architecture:

  1. client part that receives IR code from RTV remote (with IR receiver) and sends it trough WiFi (with ESP8266) to another part,
  2. server part that receives code trough WiFi (with ESP8266) and sends it trough IR (with IR LED + amplifier) to RTV device.

device development

Each part consists of IR element (LED or receiver with demodulation IC), AVR ATmega 328P uC programmed using Arduino libraries and an ESP8266 WiFi module running NodeMCU firmware.

To decode and encode IR codes I used IRremote library.

PC/smartphone can also be a client and connect to a server part.

ESP8266 module can act as an access point and a client at the same time, so there is an option to connect the server part to router and control the device from PC/smartphone connected to the same LAN network - configurable in webapp.

device development

device development

Proof of concept device (not ESP8266 yet, it is NRF24L012+):

proof of concept device

Arduino code for client and server IR uC of proof of concept device:

code in arduino

Helper device (displays received IR codes on LCD):

helper device

Result device:

result device

result device

result device


device development

device development

device development

device development

device development

device development

device development

device development

device development

device development

device development

device development

device development

device development

device development

device development

device development