How this starts?

It was typical case of falling through white rabbit hole. First I was wondering about some surname count by counties in Czech Republic.

There exists two webs for that:


Then I was curious what is the source of data and why there is stated that data are from 2016.

Data came from Czech Minstry of Interior Past tense because it was considered as a violence of privacy to export those kind of data to public.

Thanks god for which archives even files (together it has around 30MBs). Have to send them some money.

Data are zipped Excel97 (M$ binary proprietary format) when unzipped they have like 450 MB. Data are separated by sheets because in Excel97 sheets have limit of maximum number of rows 2^16 (65536) rows.

I want to just easily convert it to CSV. Well it is well known practice so there is this cool tool called

Let's list all the sheet names:

$ time in2csv -n cetnost-prijmeni.xls

real    2m13.304s
user    0m0.000s
sys     0m0.000s

You see? It works but merely listing of sheet names takes slightly more than 2 minutes.

So then I started to be curious. csvkit is written in Python so as a Java Developer by daylight I thought: "What about to use Java libraries for that. Will it be faster? How faster?"