
:link: link Github Issues/PRs to Jira tickets

Primary LanguageJavaScript

GH -> Jira

This Mozilla Firefox/Google Chrome Add-on changes ticket numbers in PRs' titles to links to proper Jira tickets. I personally find it helpful when reviewing tasks, so I don't need to copy/paste anything.

How it works?


  • Clone/download this repo


  • Put proper Jira ticket labels and Jira url in script.js:CONFIG:
  • If your tickets use MY_COMPANY-2023 notation, and your Jira instance runs on http://my_company.atlassian.net, then the CONFIG const should look like this:
const CONFIG = {
  jira_url: 'https://my_company.atlassian.net/browse/', // <- note the `/browse` part here
  ticket_label: 'MY_COMPANY-' // <- note the dash here
  • Add your repo address in the manifest.json file under content_scripts::matches

Google Chrome

  • Go to chrome://extensions/
  • Click Load unpacked exptension
  • Choose the folder where gh-jira was downloaded
  • Go to your pull request page (usually something like https://github.com/your_name/your_remo/pulls) and refresh

Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox

  • Go to about:debugging page
  • Click Load Temporary Add-on
  • Choose the manifest.json file from the downloaded repo
  • Go to your pull request page (usually something like https://github.com/your_name/your_remo/pulls) and refresh
  • Note that this will work only till Firefox will be restarted (what probably doesn't occur often for us developers)

Mozilla Firefox