Keras version of Realtime Multi-Person Pose Estimation project
Jupyter NotebookNOASSERTION
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some troubles with demo_image.py
#46 opened by woxihuanchirou - 6
Anyone know how to get specific body part?
#63 opened by oakkas - 2
How to get coordinate value data
#47 opened by seijihirosawa - 3
cannot import name 'get_testing_model'
#91 opened - 2
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Human Position Estimation
#73 opened by pmuvva - 1
Logic behind the numbering scheme in mapIdx
#85 opened by Naykira - 8
ValueError: The channel dimension of the inputs should be defined. Found `None`.
#50 opened by GerrieWell - 5
About the tensorpack dataflow code
#78 opened by xiaofeiwu - 2
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How to get limb and mapIdx for Hand model?
#93 opened by JasOlean - 2
I have a question about heatmap
#80 opened by jaekyu-sim - 1
#89 opened by tomercohen11 - 1
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ImportError: No module named configobj
#86 opened by zhangming8 - 0
I have a question about "demo_image.py"
#88 opened by jaekyu-sim - 6
About speed for testing one picture
#58 opened by MoonBunnyZZZ - 0
Is it possible to get bounding box ?
#87 opened by IgorMunizS - 1
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Train_pose problem
#84 opened by jsh1204 - 3
Visualize Augmented Images
#79 opened by akshitac8 - 1
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Training not working!
#66 opened by GhadeerMohamad - 1
get_keras_model.sh can't download keras model
#81 opened by WJShengD - 2
Obtain labels for keypoints
#77 opened by aakaashjois - 0
tf version multisgd
#76 opened by lijing271 - 3
process of making heatmaps
#75 opened by Michael3444 - 2
- 0
cannot open the link of converted Keras model
#72 opened by ChengYeDUT - 0
404 Not Found when run "sh get_caffe_model.sh"
#71 opened by MuteString - 1
An issue while using the server
#69 opened by xiaofeiwu - 0
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Newly implemented openpose(pytorch)
#64 opened by donnyyou - 0
isValidation Flag may have error?
#59 opened by Minotaur-CN - 2
Evaluate results using PCK metric
#60 opened by MinaGhadimi - 2
Where is the none-maximum suppression
#56 opened by hellojialee - 0
Batch process a folder ?
#57 opened by CJHFUTURE - 1
How can I train coco datasets without server?
#55 opened by beebrain - 2
My python crash when i run generate_marks.py.
#53 opened by beebrain - 0
How to understand for the "center_map" in the prototxt? What's the meaning for the networks?
#54 opened by Ai-is-light - 1
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How to undersatand the criterion?
#48 opened by hellojialee - 7
Critical bug in generate hdf5
#41 opened by anatolix - 1
Can you post a validation loss?
#45 opened by ildoonet - 5
Is there any mask for some people?
#43 opened by LEESEYUN - 0
wrong train and val number
#44 opened by ZhengKai91 - 2
demo_image.py return input image without dots
#42 opened by adamaulia