
ModSecurity v3 on Nginx

Primary LanguageShell

WAF based on ModSecurity v3 Nginx

Based on docker image https://github.com/fareoffice/modsecurity-docker


PROXY_UPSTREAM_HOST - upstream (example: http://app-lb:80)
CONFIG1 - custom config in Nginx directive http (example: resolver;)
CONFIG2 - custom fonfig in Nginx directive location / (example: access_log off;)
SEC_AUDIT_LOG - security log level, default value: ABIJDEFHZ (example: H)
SEC_REQUEST_BODY_LIMIT - maximum request body size in bytes, default 52428800 (example: 52428800)
SEC_REQUEST_BODY_NOFILE_LIMIT - maximum request body no file size in bytes, default 1048576 (example: 52428800) SEC_PRCE_MATCH_LIMIT - adjust this to fight PRCE Limit errors, default 1000000
SEC_PRCE_MATCH_LIMIT_RECURSION adjust this to fight PRCE Limit errors, default 1000000
PARANOIA - security level 1 - 4, default 2
SEC_RULE_AFTER_VALUE - exclude rules (example: SecRuleRemoveById 942430 SecRuleRemoveByTag "attack-sqli")
SEC_RULE_BEFORE_VALUE update rules CUSTOM_CONFIG_VALUE - add custom modsec config (example: SecAction "id:900200, phase:1, nolog, pass, t:none, setvar:'tx.allowed_methods=GET POST PUT DELETE'")