
Primary LanguageJavaScript


MemoryHole is a database application for tracking arrestees arrested at political actions. It is built using the RedwoodJS framework

Dev Setup

Note - the dev setup is not secure and should not be used with actual arrestee data


  1. Install docker + docker compose
  2. Install nvm

Database setup

  1. cd postgres
  2. echo "POSTGRES_PASSWORD=memoryhole" > ./postgres/.env.db
  3. docker compose up -dV
    • this will fetch the docker image, create a persistent data volume, and launch the database container
  4. cd ../

App setup

  1. nvm install $(cat .nvmrc)
  2. corepack enable
    • sets up yarn
  3. yarn install
    • install nodejs dependencies
  4. cp .env.dev .env
  5. edit .env and replace SEED_USER_NAME, SEED_USER_PASSWORD, and SEED_USER_EMAIL with actual values
  6. echo SESSION_SECRET=$(yarn rw g secret --raw) >> .env
  7. yarn rw prisma migrate dev
    • initializes the database
  8. yarn rw prisma db seed
    • seed the db with the user/password set in the .env file
  9. yarn rw dev

The app will start on http://localhost:8910/, and you can log in using the email and password you set in .env


make sure you have a deploy.toml file in the root directory with info about the deploy targets.

Deployments will deploy the code from github in the main brach, so make sure to push and commit your changes

  • to deploy to staging, run yarn rw deploy baremetal staging
  • to deploy to production, run yarn rw deploy baremetal production

managing deploys

  • you can restart deploys by ssh-ing to the server and running pm2 restart [prod|stage] (depending on which instance you want to restart)
  • you can see the current status with pm2 status
  • you can view logs view pm2 logs [prod|stage]