
Fun with PhpStorm/Docker integration

Primary LanguageShell


The idea was to force PhpStorm to use php interpreter that's sitting in a container while still being able to use IDE's debugging features.


Getting started

1. (Mac users only) Configure your docker machine

OS X version of PhpStorm uses some files under /private by default which is troublesome, as only files under /Users are mounted into docker-machine.

To get any further you need to either mount additional files:

In VirtualBox:

Right Click on Docker Machine -> Settings -> Shared Folders -> Add new...

  • Folder path: /private/var/folders
  • Folder name: private_folders

In Docker Machine:

sudo mkdir -p /private/var/folders

sudo mount -t vboxsf -o defaults,uid=`id -u docker`,gid=`id -g docker` private_folders /private/var/folders

2. Configure PhpStorm interpreter

Clone the repository:

git clone git@github.com:michalmatoga/phpstorm-docker-interpreter.git

run env/bin/php -v from project's root directory - this will build an image for you and output PHP version.

Select env/bin/php as IDE's php interpreter:

Settings -> Languages & Frameworks -> PHP -> Interpreter -> Other Local

"PHP executable" should be set to absolute path to env/bin/php.

3. Configure PHPUnit to work with dockered interpreter

Install composer dependencies:

composer install

Configure PHPUnit

Settings -> Languages & Frameworks -> PHP -> PHPUnit

  • PHPUnit Library -> Use custom autoloader -> [Select path to vendor/autoload]
  • Default configuration file -> [Select path to test/phpunit.xml]

Right Click on test directory -> Run test

4. Run example application in the browser


docker-compose up

Navigate your browser to http://$(docker-machine ip default)