
Temporal Graphs for Apache Spark

Primary LanguageScala


Temporal Graphs for Apache Spark

Defining TemporalFrames

TemporalFrames is a Scala library for Apache Spark for representing temporal graphs. A temporal graph can be one of two data structures:


This data structure contains a column in the edge table for each time unit. Time columns must start with time_

We define a TemporalFrame as :

val temp_graph = TemporalFrame(vertices, edges)


This data structure contains a timestamp column which needs to be declared when defining a data structure. For example

val temp_graph_seq = TemporalFrameSeq(vertices, edges, 'date')

We can convert from TemporalFrameSeq to TemporalFrame using the function to_temporalframe.

val temp_graph_seq = temp_graph.to_temporalframe()


Snapshots can be extracted using the graph_snapshot function by providing the timestamp of the snapshot. If the timestamp doesn't exist, an error message will be returned. This function returns a static GraphFrame.

For example:

val snapshot = temp_graph.graph_snapshot('2018-01-05')


The timestamp function returns a dataframe with all timestamps.

val timestamps = temp_graph.timestamps()

Network Measures

Currently, there are 3 functions defined in the package for computing network measures:

  • Burstiness
  • Temporal Correlation Coefficient
  • Temporal Volatility

Temporal PageRank soon to be implemented