
A search for simpler translation between use case modelling, development and execution with an aspect of Aspect Oriented Programming

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A search for simpler translation between use case modelling, development and execution with an aspect of Aspect Oriented Programming


  • some AOP like ability, but focused on use cases as an "API" for the business layer
  • a compile time feature - no dynamic generation or compile time weaving
  • ability to log, audit, re-execute and handle exceptions with not much code

The Challenge

The use cases offer a conviniet structure to implement user requirements in user understandable terms, and units of work that make sense to them too. They form a layer where the domain model gets exercised. However, typically nonfunctional requirements need to be implemented too making the code hard to read an mistakes easier to make.

To support the requirements of execution and exception logging we need to add extra code. We can either put it in the use case itself, or keep the use case simple and add the extra code outside, making the execution more complex. Keeping the use case code simple can look something like this:

The use case:

class Divisor 
    public float Divise(float a, float b) => a / b;

The execution (perhaps in a WebAPI action):

_logger?.Log("Starting execution of Divise use case");
float result = 0.0;
    var divisor = new Divisor();
    result = divisor.Divise(1,2);
catch (Exception ex) 
    _logger?.Log("Failed to execut Divise use case", ex);
    _logger?.Log("Finished execution of Divise use case");
    return result;

The above code allows for clutter-less business logic, but each execution of the use case requires a lot of code. Considering that a use case may be invoked from different entry points it might be necessary to copy and paste the above many times.

The alternative approach is to put this extra code inside a use case like so:

class Divisor
    private readonly ILogger _logger;
    public Divisor(ILogger logger)
        _logger = logger;

    public float Divise(float a, float b) 
        _logger?.Log("Starting execution of Divise use case");
        int result = null;

            result = a / b 
        catch (Exception ex) 
            _logger?.Log("Failed to execut Divise use case", ex);
            _logger?.Log("Finished execution of Divise use case");
            return result;

The simpler invocation:

var logger = new Logger();
var divisor = new Divisor(logger);
return divisor.divise(1,2);

This approach has a clear advantage in that regardless where from the use case is executed it will log exactly the same, and will always handle the exceptions in the same way. The flip side is that the invocation of the use case becomes more complex as the ILogger instnace needs to be provided, and in the implementing class there is more clatter due to managing the dependencies coming through the constructor. Finally the testing in this approach becomes more complex as the setup requires more mocking. This should be obvious from the simple example above even though it has a single dependency. Typically there are others, auditing, custom error handling, permission checks, retry policies and similar concerns all need to be implemented.

An argument could be made that dependency injection containers solve the problem with instantiation for execution and mocking frameworks solve the problem with more difficult testing, but in my opinion those are workaround not solutions.

The resulting use case code remains unnecessrily cluttered with a repeated code. A real alternative would be a use case execution layer, that could be standardised and add functionality outside and around of the core business functionality.

Aspect Oriented Programming is a natural candidate, but I haven't seen yet an AOP package for .Net which would convince me, that this is the solution, so in this project I will compare various AOP options available and a few alternatives.


To compare different appraoches I will implment the same (or as similar as possible) solutions using different teachniques. All will be based on the same two, simple use cases:

  • Divide which can divide two numbers. It is an example of a use case which encapsulates a query behaviour and has a potential of throwing an exception.
  • Hello which can say hello. It is an example of a use case which encapsulates a command behaviour.

All examples in this document will assume the use cases have been instantiated and are represented by variables divisor and greeter respectively. Divisor will be called twice, to return the result, or throw an exception.

Without any additions the three use cases could be executed as follows:

greeter.Greet("World");            // prints: Hello, World!
var result = divisor.Divide(1,2);  // result: 0.5
divisor.Divide(3,0);               // throws System.Exception();

Option 1

handler.Invoke(usecase, x => x.Greet("World"));
return handler.Query(usecase, x => x.Divide(1,2));
return handler.Query(usecase, x => x.Divide(3,0));

Potentially the handler be static. The syntax is very concise, but it looks a bit odd and is not obvious what it is. Dependencies would haver to be both on the handler and the usecase to ensure both are instantiated by IoC container.

Option 2 (Example.FluidExecutor)

handler.On(usecase).Invoke(x => x.Greet("World"));
return handler.Using(usecase).Query(x => x.Divide(1,2));

Modern looking fluent interface, but essentially it is still the above option 1 and it is longer

Option 3 (Example.MockLike)

This example is influenced by the Moq implementation of Mocks.

var proxy = UseCase.Factory.Create<Hello>();
proxy.Do(x => x.Greet("World"));

var proxy = services.Resolve<IUseCase<Divide>>();
return proxy.Do(x => x.Divide(1,2));

return proxy.Do(x => x.Divide(3,0));

Moq like approach with Expression provides access to the type, and isntance while maintaining fairly legible syntax. Proxy has to be created for each type independently, perhaps using a factory to have access to registrations.

Autofac type resolvers could be used to make it less obtrusive, but likely it would require a dependency on a specific proxy like IUseCase<Hello> which doesn't look too bad.

Option 4 (Example.VeryGeneric)

handler.Do(usecase, "World");
return handler.Do(usecase, 1, 2));
return handler.Do(usecase, 3, 0));

Estetically pleasing, but it would work with only one standard method name. It requires a lot of interfaces to be defined, the same as 16 Action and 16 Func defined by the .net framework. It is in line with what Microsoft has done, but some of their methods tend to go agains OOP and might not be the best choice.

There is also a practical problem. I was not able to make the query look like the example above, and instead this what I ended up with:

return handler.Query<IQuery<float, float, float>, float, float, float>(divisor, 1, 2);

Unless there is a way to simplify it this appraoch will not be of any use.

Option 5 (Example.SimpleExpression)

handler.Do(() => usecase.Greet("World"))
return handler.Do(() => usecase.Divide(1,2));
return handler.Do(() => usecase.Divide(3,0));

Very flexiblty, but there is no obvious access to the use case type or instance.

Next steps

  • add AspectInjector implementation.
  • consider implementing DynamiProxy (old RealProxy) way just for comparison. check this
  • write description of the use case approach, and what are the expectations
  • consider why existing AOP libraries are not a good fit (they might be?)
  • add registrations for handlers (before and after execution)
  • add registrations for error handling including exception translation
  • add output converters to various channels (perhaps a builder pattern)
  • retries (with cashed payload)
  • async