
A simple application built to experiment and demonstrate different approaches to state management in flutter.

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT


A simple application consisting of two sliders, a few buttons and a controlled by them square to show how different state management methods in flutter compare to each other.

The application has the common starting point and layout, all defined in the main.dart regardless of the state implementation. To change the state implementation all is required is to change the imports.

All the specific implementations follow the same file layout to make it easy to compare.

These are the current implementions:


Implementation Details and Comparison

All of the layout code, and most of the setup code, is shared between the solutions and kept in the main.dart file. The idea here is to keep things that change separately from those that don't, so the differences between the approaches can be easily compared.

The Starting Point

The entry point

class SampleStateApp extends StatelessWidget {
  final Widget home;
  const SampleStateApp({required this.home, Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return home;

Colour button

class ColorButton extends StatelessWidget {
  final Color color;
  final String label;

  const ColorButton({
    required this.color,
    required this.label,
    Key? key
  }) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return OutlinedButton(
        onPressed: () => print(
            'changing colour to ' + color.value.toString()
        child: Text(label, style: buttonStyle(color))


class MySlider extends StatelessWidget {
  final String attribute;
  final double value = 0.5;
  const MySlider({
    required this.attribute,
    Key? key
  }) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Slider(
        value: value,
        onChanged: (value) { print(
            'changing $attribute to $value'

The square

class TheSquare extends StatelessWidget {
  final double width = 150;
  final double height = 150;
  final Color color = Colors.grey;
  const TheSquare({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return SizedBox(
        child: DecoratedBox(decoration: BoxDecoration(color: color))


Stateful and Direct

Entry point

class SampleStateApp extends StatelessWidget {
  final Widget home;
  const SampleStateApp({required this.home, Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return home;

Colour button

class ColorButton extends StatelessWidget {
  final Color color;
  final String label;

  const ColorButton({
    required this.color,
    required this.label,
    Key? key
  }) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return OutlinedButton(
        onPressed: () => theState.setColor(color),
        child: Text(label, style: buttonStyle(color))


class _MySliderState extends State<MySlider> {
  double value = 0.5;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Slider(
        value: value,
        onChanged: (v) {
          setState(() => value = v);
          if (widget.attribute == 'width') {
            theState.setWidth(50 + value * 200);
          } else {
            theState.setHeight(50 + value * 200);

The square

_TheSquareState theState = _TheSquareState();

class TheSquare extends StatefulWidget {

  const TheSquare({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  State<TheSquare> createState() => theState;

class _TheSquareState extends State<TheSquare> {
  double width = 150;
  double height = 150;
  Color color = Colors.grey;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return SizedBox(
        child: DecoratedBox(decoration: BoxDecoration(color: color))

  void setWidth(double value) => setState(() => width = value);
  void setHeight(double value) => setState(() => height = value);
  void setColor(Color value) => setState(() => color = value);


Scoped State


class TheState extends Model {
  double _width = 0.5;
  double _height = 0.5;
  Color _color = Colors.grey;

  double get width => _width;
  double get height => _height;
  Color get color => _color;

  set width(double value) {
    _width = value;

  set height(double value) {
    _height = value;

  set color(Color value) {
    _color = value;

Entry point

class SampleStateApp extends StatelessWidget {
  final Widget home;
  const SampleStateApp({required this.home, Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return ScopedModel<TheState>(
        model: TheState(),
        child: home

Colour button

class ColorButton extends StatelessWidget {
  final Color color;
  final String label;

  const ColorButton({
    required this.color,
    required this.label,
    Key? key
  }) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return ScopedModelDescendant<TheState>(
        builder: (context, child, state) {
          return OutlinedButton(
              onPressed: () => state.color = color,
              child: Text(label, style: buttonStyle(color))


class MySlider extends StatelessWidget {
  final String attribute;
  const MySlider({required this.attribute, Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return ScopedModelDescendant<TheState>(
      builder: (context, child, state) {
        return Slider(
            value: attribute == 'width' ? state.width : state.height,
            onChanged: (value) {
              if (attribute == 'width') {
                state.width = value;
              } else {
                state.height = value;

The square

class TheSquare extends StatelessWidget {
  const TheSquare({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return ScopedModelDescendant<TheState>(
        builder: (context, child, state) {
          return SizedBox(
              width: 50 + state.width * 200,
              height: 50 + state.height * 200,
              child: DecoratedBox(decoration: BoxDecoration(color: state.color))




class TheState {
  final double width;
  final double height;
  final Color color;

  const TheState({
    required this.width,
    required this.height,
    required this.color

  const TheState.initial(): width = 0.5, height= 0.5, color = Colors.grey;

  TheState copyWith({
    double? width,
    double? height,
    Color? color,
  }) => TheState(
      width: width ?? this.width,
      height: height ?? this.height,
      color: color ?? this.color

  double getSide(String attribute)
  => (attribute == 'width')
      ? width
      : height;

State management

abstract class StateAction {
  const StateAction();
  TheState modify(TheState state);

class SetSide extends StateAction {
  final String attribute;
  final double size;
  const SetSide(this.attribute, this.size);

  TheState modify(TheState state) {
    return attribute == 'width'
        ? state.copyWith(width: size)
        : state.copyWith(height: size);

class SetColor extends StateAction {
  final Color color;
  const SetColor(this.color);
  TheState modify(TheState state) => state.copyWith(color: color);

TheState myReducer(TheState state, dynamic action)
  => action.modify(state);

final store = Store<TheState>(
    initialState: const TheState.initial()

Entry point

class SampleStateApp extends StatelessWidget {
  final Widget home;
  const SampleStateApp({required this.home, Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return StoreProvider<TheState>(
      store: store,
      child: home

Colour button

class ColorButton extends StatelessWidget {
  final Color color;
  final String label;

  const ColorButton({
    required this.color,
    required this.label,
    Key? key
  }) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return StoreBuilder<TheState>(
      builder: (context, store) {
        return OutlinedButton(
            onPressed: () => store.dispatch(SetColor(color)),
            child: Text(label, style: buttonStyle(color))


class MySlider extends StatelessWidget {
  final String attribute;
  const MySlider({
    required this.attribute,
    Key? key
  }) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return StoreBuilder<TheState>(
      builder: (context, store) {
        return Slider(
            value: store.state.getSide(attribute),
            onChanged: (value) {
              store.dispatch(SetSide(attribute, value));

The square

class TheSquare extends StatelessWidget {
  const TheSquare({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return StoreBuilder<TheState>(
        builder: (context, store) {
          return SizedBox(
              width: 50 + store.state.getSide('width') * 200,
              height: 50 + store.state.getSide('height') * 200,
              child: DecoratedBox(decoration: BoxDecoration(color: store.state.color))




class TheState {
  final double width;
  final double height;
  final Color color;

  const TheState({
    required this.width,
    required this.height,
    required this.color

  const TheState.initial(): width = 0.5, height= 0.5, color = Colors.grey;

  TheState copyWith({
    double? width,
    double? height,
    Color? color,
  }) => TheState(
      width: width ?? this.width,
      height: height ?? this.height,
      color: color ?? this.color

  double getSide(String attribute)
  => (attribute == 'width')
      ? width
      : height;

State management

class StateCubit extends Cubit<TheState> {
  StateCubit(): super(const TheState.initial());

  void setSide(String attribute, double size)
    => emit(
        (attribute == 'width')
            ? state.copyWith(width: size)
            : state.copyWith(height: size)

  void setColor(Color color) => emit(state.copyWith(color: color));

Entry point

class SampleStateApp extends StatelessWidget {
  final Widget home;
  const SampleStateApp({required this.home, Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return BlocProvider(
      create: (_) => StateCubit(),
      child: home

Colour button

class ColorButton extends StatelessWidget {
  final Color color;
  final String label;

  const ColorButton({
    required this.color,
    required this.label,
    Key? key
  }) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return BlocBuilder<StateCubit, TheState>(
      builder: (context, model) {
        return OutlinedButton(
            onPressed: () => context.read<StateCubit>().setColor(color),
            child: Text(label, style: buttonStyle(color))


class MySlider extends StatelessWidget {
  final String attribute;
  const MySlider({
    required this.attribute,
    Key? key
  }) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return BlocBuilder<StateCubit, TheState>(
      builder: (context, state) {
        return Slider(
            value: state.getSide(attribute),
            onChanged: (value) { context.read<StateCubit>().setSide(attribute, value);}

The square

class TheSquare extends StatelessWidget {
  const TheSquare({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return BlocBuilder<StateCubit, TheState>(
        builder: (context, model) {
          return SizedBox(
              width: 50 + model.width * 200,
              height: 50 + model.height * 200,
              child: DecoratedBox(decoration: BoxDecoration(color: model.color))


Riverpod 2.0


class TheState {
  final double width;
  final double height;
  final Color color;

  const TheState({
    required this.width,
    required this.height,
    required this.color

  const TheState.initial(): width = 0.5, height= 0.5, color = Colors.grey;

  TheState copyWith({
    double? width,
    double? height,
    Color? color,
  }) => TheState(
      width: width ?? this.width,
      height: height ?? this.height,
      color: color ?? this.color

  double getSide(String attribute)
  => (attribute == 'width')
      ? width
      : height;

State management

class StateNotifier extends Notifier<TheState> {
  TheState build() => const TheState.initial();

  void setSide(String attribute, double size)
  => state =
      (attribute == 'width')
          ? state.copyWith(width: size)
          : state.copyWith(height: size);

  void setColor(Color color) => state = state.copyWith(color: color);

final stateProvider = NotifierProvider<StateNotifier, TheState>(StateNotifier.new);

Entry point

class SampleStateApp extends ConsumerWidget {
  final Widget home;

  const SampleStateApp({required this.home, Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {
    return ProviderScope(
      child: home

Colour button

class ColorButton extends ConsumerWidget {
  final Color color;
  final String label;

  const ColorButton({
    required this.color,
    required this.label,
    Key? key
  }) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {
    return OutlinedButton(
        onPressed: () => ref.read(stateProvider.notifier).setColor(color),
        child: Text(label, style: buttonStyle(color))


class MySlider extends ConsumerWidget {
  final String attribute;
  const MySlider({
    required this.attribute,
    Key? key
  }) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {
    final state = ref.watch(stateProvider);
    return Slider(
        value: state.getSide(attribute),
        onChanged: (value) { ref.read(stateProvider.notifier).setSide(attribute, value);}

The square

class TheSquare extends ConsumerWidget {
  const TheSquare({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {
    final state = ref.watch(stateProvider);
    return SizedBox(
        width: 50 + state.width * 200,
        height: 50 + state.height * 200,
        child: DecoratedBox(decoration: BoxDecoration(color: state.color))


Side by side, bit by bit comparison


The State Comparison

Scoped State

class TheState extends Model {
  double _width = 0.5;
  double _height = 0.5;
  Color _color = Colors.grey;

  double get width => _width;
  double get height => _height;
  Color get color => _color;

  set width(double value) {
    _width = value;

  set height(double value) {
    _height = value;

  set color(Color value) {
    _color = value;

Redux, BLoC, Real BLoC and Riverpod 2.0

class TheState {
  final double width;
  final double height;
  final Color color;

  const TheState({
    required this.width,
    required this.height,
    required this.color

  const TheState.initial(): width = 0.5, height= 0.5, color = Colors.grey;

  TheState copyWith({
    double? width,
    double? height,
    Color? color,
  }) => TheState(
      width: width ?? this.width,
      height: height ?? this.height,
      color: color ?? this.color

  double getSide(String attribute)
  => (attribute == 'width')
      ? width
      : height;


The State Management Comparison

Scoped State

Move on, there is nothing to see here


abstract class StateAction {
  const StateAction();
  TheState modify(TheState state);

class SetSide extends StateAction {
  final String attribute;
  final double size;
  const SetSide(this.attribute, this.size);

  TheState modify(TheState state) {
    return attribute == 'width'
        ? state.copyWith(width: size)
        : state.copyWith(height: size);

class SetColor extends StateAction {
  final Color color;
  const SetColor(this.color);
  TheState modify(TheState state) => state.copyWith(color: color);

TheState myReducer(TheState state, dynamic action)
  => action.modify(state);

final store = Store<TheState>(
    initialState: const TheState.initial()


class StateCubit extends Cubit<TheState> {
  StateCubit(): super(const TheState.initial());

  void setSide(String attribute, double size)
    => emit(
        (attribute == 'width')
            ? state.copyWith(width: size)
            : state.copyWith(height: size)

  void setColor(Color color) => emit(state.copyWith(color: color));

Real BLoC

abstract class DemoEvent {
  const DemoEvent();
  TheState modify(TheState state);

class SetSide extends DemoEvent {
  final String attribute;
  final double size;
  const SetSide(this.attribute, this.size);

  TheState modify(TheState state) {
    return attribute == 'width'
      ? state.copyWith(width: size)
        : state.copyWith(height: size);

class SetColor extends DemoEvent {
  final Color color;
  const SetColor(this.color);

  @override modify(TheState state) {
    return state.copyWith(color: color);

class StateBloc extends Bloc<DemoEvent, TheState> {
  StateBloc(): super(const TheState.initial()) {
    on<DemoEvent>((event, emit) => emit(event.modify(state)));

Riverpod 2.0

class StateNotifier extends Notifier<TheState> {
  TheState build() => const TheState.initial();

  void setSide(String attribute, double size)
  => state =
      (attribute == 'width')
          ? state.copyWith(width: size)
          : state.copyWith(height: size);

  void setColor(Color color) => state = state.copyWith(color: color);


The Starting Point Comparison

What is inside the

void main() {

Scoped State

    model: TheState(),
    child: Home()


    store: store,
    child: Home()


    create: (_) => StateBloc(),
    child: Home() 

Real BLoC

    create: (_) => StateCubit(),
    child: Home()

Riverpod 2.0

// global
final stateProvider = NotifierProvider<StateNotifier, TheState>(StateNotifier.new);

// top of the widget tree
  child: home


The Slider Comparison

What is returned from Widget build(BuildContext context) to build the slider.

Scoped State

return ScopedModelDescendant<TheState>(
    builder: (context, child, state) {
        return Slider(
            value: attribute == 'width' ? state.width : state.height,
            onChanged: (value) {
                if (attribute == 'width') {
                    state.width = value;
                } else {
                    state.height = value;


return StoreBuilder<TheState>(
    builder: (context, store) {
        return Slider(
            value: store.state.getSide(attribute),
            onChanged: (value) {
                store.dispatch(SetSide(attribute, value));


return BlocBuilder<StateCubit, TheState>(
    builder: (context, state) {
        return Slider(
            value: state.getSide(attribute),
            onChanged: (value) { 
                    .setSide(attribute, value);

Real BLoC

return BlocBuilder<StateBloc, TheState>(
    builder: (context, state) {
        return Slider(
            value: state.getSide(attribute),
            onChanged: (value) { 
                    .add(SetSide(attribute, value));

Riverpod 2.0

class MySlider extends ConsumerWidget {
  final String attribute;
  const MySlider({
    required this.attribute,
    Key? key
  }) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {
    final state = ref.watch(stateProvider);
    return Slider(
        value: state.getSide(attribute),
        onChanged: (value) { ref.read(stateProvider.notifier).setSide(attribute, value);}


The Square Comparison

Let's look at what is returned from Widget build(BuildContext context) to create the square.

Scoped State

return ScopedModelDescendant<TheState>(
    builder: (context, child, state) {
        return SizedBox(
            width: 50 + state.width * 200,
            height: 50 + state.height * 200,
            child: DecoratedBox(
                decoration: BoxDecoration(color: state.color)


return StoreBuilder<TheState>(
    builder: (context, store) {
        return SizedBox(
            width: 50 + store.state.getSide('width') * 200,
            height: 50 + store.state.getSide('height') * 200,
            child: DecoratedBox(
                decoration: BoxDecoration(color: store.state.color)


return BlocBuilder<StateCubit, TheState>(
    builder: (context, model) {
        return SizedBox(
            width: 50 + model.width * 200,
            height: 50 + model.height * 200,
            child: DecoratedBox(
                decoration: BoxDecoration(color: model.color)
        ) ;

Real BLoC

return BlocBuilder<StateBloc, TheState>(
    builder: (context, model) {
        return SizedBox(
            width: 50 + model.width * 200,
            height: 50 + model.height * 200,
            child: DecoratedBox(
                decoration: BoxDecoration(color: model.color)

Riverpod 2.0

class TheSquare extends ConsumerWidget {
  const TheSquare({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {
    final state = ref.watch(stateProvider);
    return SizedBox(
        width: 50 + state.width * 200,
        height: 50 + state.height * 200,
        child: DecoratedBox(decoration: BoxDecoration(color: state.color))