
Flutter warm-up projects to help me start with the Flutter toolkit and Dart language.

Primary LanguageDart


This repository represents my attempt at learning Flutter and Dart.

It contains a number of sample applications built while following articles, books and tutorials. Each demonstrates a skill learnt. I will keep the examples with my comments here, publicly available, so I can easily come back to them when I inevitably forget things.


  1. Hello World - A variation of the classic first application in any language.
  2. Startup Namer - An introduction to flutter from Google I/O 2021.
  3. Unit Converter - A simple unit converter.
  4. Timer - Timer example - two pages. Caused issues with CocoaPods. (For now I am giving up, as it is not time to wrestle with stuff like that).
  5. State - A group of solutions experimenting with state management approaches. It is based, and has been inspired on Google I/O 2019 demo - Pragmatic State Management in Flutter.
  6. [Fizz Buzz] - a stream implementation of a classic fizz buzz problem.

Useful resources

a bit less useful resources

  • useful widgets - only a few in a not very active repository, but might be of use. Includes FutureWidget, RetryWidget and SearchWidget.

UI Widgets